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~~~Back to Eve's POV~~~

That jerk of a lizardman. He is soo dead. You know what? I asked him to go back home out of anger and being the perfect gentleman he is, he drove past me without a freaking glance. Moron.

Why God, why? Just why do men have less brains? Couldn't he make out that I was angry? I hired a cab which I got somehow and returned back.
Then BOOM.
"I'll pay" jerkpit.
"No need." I said and rushed to my new room.
This was followed by thunderous knocking at my door. "Miss Stanford! Open the damn door. Open it right away or I'll break it." He hollered. You will pay for it so that's not my problem.
When it became unbearable, I opened the door slightly and peeped,"What the hell do you want pea brain?" I asked irritated.
"What? Jesus. Open the door.....fully." He completed when I raised an eyebrow.
"No." I replied.
"Why?" He asked confused. Greatness ya know.
"Because I don't want to." And with this he started pushing it. Huh really. Man you don't know me.
I kept pressure on the door so as to not let it open. He was strong. But I was no less ok. Poor door.
"You should stop behaving immaturely." He said in between our the-door-war.
"And you should start behaving a but more brainily." I said.
"What's wrong with you? I want answers. Just because I didn't push that wound thing doesn't mean I've forgotten. It's just that it's none of my business nor something I care of, that you were spared. And open this door." He whisper yelled.
"I'm not gonna open the door. And for your kind information, I'm not answerable to imbecile Bulls." I said to the intolerant mean person who was actually pushing very hard and I was finding it difficult to stop him. Is that even possible? Nah.
"Miss Stanford!" He literally screamed as I vanished from his sight.
"Get LOST!" I screamed back louder than him reappearing.
"At least have the dinner." He spoke nah gritted.
"Get LOST." I repeated. God he's made my life a heavenly version of hell. See you know there are worst conditions.
"Hopeless. Trust me I'll get all the answers I want." He spoke and left.
I was happy to see my bed back. Hey love!
I changed my clothes and sat down for my night work after taking the pill. I felt so sleepy throughout the day and I don't know why but my hunger had vanished. Ughgh my life.
"Eve, Steve umm we had to ask something." Mommy spoke as we sat down for the breakfast next morning. I was calling her mommy so easily. She is really a sweetheart.
"Yes mommy." I smiled at her. I saw the lizardman throwing the probably-7th glance since I had sat down.
"Yesterday, the bed? It belongs to you Eve, right?" She continued.
I smiled at daddy who passed me the salad. I'd strictly told that I don't want the workers to serve me as I didn't like it. The workers were there during the daytime only so I was sure none of them heard anything last night.
"Yeah." I replied sipping my juice.
"Are you guys not sharing the same room?" She asked cautiously. I choked hard on my juice and felt him tense on the head of the table.
I looked at him for the first time since morning. Ask that jerk to reply. How?
"No. We aren't." He replied as both of them ogled.
"Eve did he.. did he trouble you anyway or make you angry? Are you feeling comfortable here?" Daddy asked.
Yes. This man has made me angry beyond limits and I hate him. I'm somewhat comfortable here but this man. Ughgh. "No daddy. He hasn't done anything. And I'm absolutely comfortable here. There is no need for you people to worry, ok? I'll tell you if I've any problem." I smiled reassuringly.
Mommy smiled at me while dad nodded throwing the evil moron a cold glance.

We left soon afterwards. Actually, I borrowed daddy's car and drove away. Ha!
"Daddy I saw that there is another car in the garage." I asked innocently.
"Yes dear. Do you want it? Steve can drive it as I don't allow drivers in my car." He said.
"No actually I can drive on my own. I have to visit my office." I muttered nicely.
"Ok it's fine you can take it. But if you want Steve can drop you with that car only." He asked again. He is so cute.
I smiled. Your son is the reason why I'm borrowing your car and I'll let him drop me? Bullshit. Why are you so innocent and good daddy? "No it's fine."

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