Of course I love you darling!

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"Miss Stanford?" He said.
"Uh yeah?" I returned back from the trip my mind was on.
"Make yourself comfortable. We'll reach late night. I've informed mom and dad. Tell me when you want to have the dinner." He said seriously.
I nodded. I was really so confused. This man had so many faces. One moment he's all beastly and harsh on you, second moment he'll behave as the most decent person on this earth, one moment he'll act like he doesn't care whether I live or die and the next he'll shout at me for being careless, one night he'll joke around with me and the next morning he'll act like nothing happened at all. He is a beast to the world, rude, arrogant, ruthless and egoistical but down inside he has a heart. At least I suppose he has.
Nonetheless, he's a jerk. I hadn't asked any personal questions from him. I know we aren't that close, infact we aren't close at all. We were the farthest from each other. We were like poles, we have, do and will always repel each other. Same short tempered, irritable, me slightly and him overly egoistical and both workaholic. No way are we ever going to be together.

No, I'm not complaining. My dad always says, think about something before its too late. Don't overthink but analyse the situation.

Our relation didn't matter to me at all. But honestly, all my efforts to eliminate the burning feeling since last night went into drain. Every moment when I closed my I felt his hand on my chin, when I fiddled with my coat, I felt his hands around me.
You're just overreacting. It's normal.
It would've been normal for anyone who were not Mr Jayce.
Like I fail to understand, does he really care about me? I need to know that. Not that I give a damn but yet.

"I suppose the place was good. I'm starting the work in other places as well. You need not visit them. However, your choice you may if you want." He said with a frown. He was looking something up on his phone.
"It's fine." I said and he just studied me before turning his attention back to his phone.
I shook my head, forcing illogical and inappropriate thoughts out. Right then, I had to turn my attention to the most important issues in front of me. I'd got a booster dose in the form of a call in the morning.
I needed to buck up. A lot of things and people needed to be taken care of. I couldn't let myself be clouded with some docile thoughts which just didn't understand the meaning of not going somewhere.
He forgot so I'll also forget. I DON'T CARE.
Don't you need just too much convincing for that?


~~~Steve's POV~~~

I found myself under the covers in the morning. I wouldn't have understand how I got under those because I had put them on her but her absence made it clear.
I went to the gym and there I saw her working out for the first time. It's was really awkward for me as I ogled at her while she continued shaking her head, probably with the beats of music playing from her earphones.
The worst part was when I staggered a little, thanks to her.
She had a fairly well maintained body but I could see the marks of the wounds that ******** had given her. Thinking about him and then the news. That Swan had not taken any serious action against Mitchell and he was out in the open.
This news made my blood boil so hard that I was afraid it might vaporise.
Miss Stanford's perfume has drugged me.
Again Miss Stanford?
I don't know man.

I was so agitated with that news that when she greeted me, I retorted too rudely.
Her expression sank but she was very good with masking it. I could feel that she didn't like it but life isn't always what you like. I headed for a cold bath as she moved towards the mirror with her hair tied with the towel.

Once outside, I saw her wiping her hair, and standing still in front of the mirror. What intrigued me was whether I'd taken less time or she was doing it slowly.
I stood there for sometime, watching her shamelessly as she glided the stick like thing across her lips effortlessly and did something with her hair to make them normal. I don't think she realised it.
Lucky enough.

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