A competetion..

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Tada! Surprise! Mia's POV!!

~~~Mia's POV~~~

"How's the porridge mom?" I asked the person sitting in front of me.
Is she the same mom who helped me away from that whatever-he-was of a father?

"Mom!" I raised my voice.
"Yeah?" She seemed so change. Marks across her forehead. Hair messy. Eyes downcast. Gulping all the time as if having some sort of a breathing problem. She had lost weight. Her eyes no longer shined.
"How's the porridge?" I asked on purpose. I was not letting it go.
"V...very nice." She tried to smile.
"You know I cut a piece of beef and a bit of pork. It gave it the beautiful green colour." Just wait. She has been behaving like this every since that day.
She never ate non-veg and now she didn't even notice how I addressed the food. Not even the colour.

I remember it fresh as I threw  a punch at the guy. I kept on hitting him till I saw that he had a mark of mom's gang on his hand.
"What do you want?" I snared.
"I swear your mom has asked me to take you to her." He said.
"I'm not done with my classes." I exclaimed.
"It's urgent." He said.
I reluctantly agreed.
"Boss your daughter is more rebellious than you." He said as I glared at him. I looked at mom. She was wearing a lose shirt and track pants. She had cut marks across her head.
"Mom... How.. What?" I held her.
"Mia go inside. Don't call anyone. Anyone." She said seriously and I went inside.
I really loved her so much. She was so hard but still so nice to me. Each time she did something for me, I felt memories of my past vanish one by one. Each slap and whip which had hit me. Each time I cried in pain and then was struck for resisting. I can never thank her enough. This was for the first thing she asked me to not tell Andad where I was. She asked me to lie to him. She also did not let me tell him that she was with me.
I didn't question but still. I watched as she played with her food.
"Mom? This lasagna is delicious no?" I asked.
"Yeah." She nodded. I waited for her to finish her food and went near the sink to keep it.

I wondered what had happened that day.

I called her. "Mom? Why don't you let me text Andad and then stay in the room? Are you angry? I k...." I entered her room.
My eyes widened as I looked at her. She sat on the bed holding her hair.
She was staring at her phone.
"Leave me alone Mia." She said without giving me a glance.
She threw her phone with full force towards the wall and it broke. She walked towards the broken glass and gestured me to leave. I stared as she picked it up, took out the sim and broke it if possible.

I felt like going to her but what I'd learnt in these past days was to let her cool when she is angry. I moved out hoping to give her some space. But this was getting overboard.

I walked upto her.
"What's wrong mom? You have to tell me." I pulled her close.
"Did anyone say anything? I'll teach him..."

She hugged me back. Her head rested on my abdomen and I rubbed her back.

"Don't worry darling. Your mother is a loser." She said and got up.
"What? Mom!" She shut the door at my face. I'm not letting this go.

"Mom! Mom! Mom! MOM!" I knocked at the door repeatedly.

Giving up after a few minutes, I decided she'll have to come out after a few seconds.

I switched on the television watching my favourite news channel.

~~~Eve's POV~~~

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