Chapter 20

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Maddie's P.O.V
My mom and I were able to leave the hospital a little later. So we went to the police station to show them my bruises from being raped. They are a little faded, but you can still see them very well. I was curious on why Diego didn't ask about them, Sebast- I mean the cheater, probably told him.
On the way to the station I couldn't stop thinking. Then it hit me. That guy is probably also the reason hat Sebastian broke up with me. I was covered in bruises, I was ugly, I have scars everywhere. I was to ugly for Sebastian.
My mom and I got to the police station.
"What can I help you ladies with today?" A lady at the front desk said.
"We're here to report a raping" (is that even how you would say it?😂) my mom said.
"Can I please see your proof?" She said. How could she not already see the bruises and cuts on my face? I nodded and lifted up my shirt about midway.
"I'm sorry honey, did you happen to catch the name of the man?"
"Um no" I said. WAIT, Sebastian probably knows. As much as I don't want to talk to him this is serious.
"But I might know somebody who does" my mom looked towards me with a curious face. I didn't tell her about Sebastian's crazy ex and about how it's her brother, so I'll probably be telling her that later, but not now.
"Mom can you please take me to Sebastian's house?" I asked.
"Honey, right now? We're kinda busy here"
"Mom, it's not because I want to hang out, we broke up, I told you that, but it's because he probably knows who the man is" I said and she was shocked.
"How does Sebastian know?"
"I'll tell you later, but we need to figure out the name"
"Okay, let's go" She tell me, then tell the lady, "we'll be back later"
The lady nodded then left.
I was not ready to see Sebastian. He broke my heart, and the last thing I want to do is talk to him, but I have to.
Once we got to Sebastian's house, my mom stayed in the car and I knocked on the door. The door opened and I saw Oliver. I haven't seen Oliver for what seems like forever.
"Hey Oliver" I said and smiled a fake smile at him.
"Hi Maddie, no hug or anything?" He said making me laugh a little, I then hugged him.
"You want to come in?" He asked.
"Sure. Um, is Sebastian here?"
"Uh no, he's actually on a date with Sophia right now" Oliver said, and I immediately started tearing up.
"O-oh. Can you, um, call me when he gets back? I need to talk to him about something important"
"Yeah, of course"
"Um, I'm gonna go now" I said and started crying.
"Maddie please don't cry"
"Yah um, sorry. I don't know why I'm crying"
"Yes you do. Just talk to him. I don't think he's on the date because he moved on, I think it's because he doesn't think your going to go back to him, he's trying to get over you"
"Oliver, I want to, but how do I know I can trust him?"
"Talk to him, hang out with him, get him to earn your trust back. Then when the time is right, maybe get back together, but that's your choice, if you want to go back to him or not"
"Thank you so much Oliver" I said while I cried into his chest.
"No problem Maddie" he said and hugged me.
"I should probably get going now" I said.
"Okay, I didn't know you were so desperate to get away from me"
"I hate you Oliver" I said and laughed. I love him for making me laugh when I really need it.
"You love me"
"Whatever, I'm leaving" I said while leaving.
"Is your mom and Mateo here?" I asked.
"No Mateo has a doctors appointment" he said and I nodded.
"Tell then I said Hi" I said and he nodded.
I then hugged him and went to the door and leave. I opened it to see him, with her.
"U-uh, bye Oliver" I said and walked past them and went home.
Sebastian's P.O.V
I was on a date with Sophia, it was terrible, she was so mean and sassy, but I couldn't just tell her to leave because I didn't want to be mean. We were walking to my house right now and it was just silent and awkward.
Once we made it to my house I saw Maddie's moms car here. Why is it here? There house is like right next to ours. 
I walked up to the door and opened it to see her. The girl that I lost. The girl that I want back. She saw me with Sophia. Shit. She said goodbye to Oliver then left. She didn't say anything to me. I hate myself.
"Sophia leave" I said.
"What?" She said.
"I said leave!" I said again.
She flinched and left.
"Why was Maddie here?"
"She said she wanted to talk to you about something important, but you weren't here" he said. What if she wanted to talk about us. Damn it Sebastian, you ruined it. I need to go to her. I didn't say anything to Oliver, I just left the house. I ran to her house hoping that she wasn't already in there. She wasn't.  She was sitting on a chair on her porch. I slowly walked to her.
"Maddie, was there something you wanted to tell me?"
"Oh, uh yah. Um, do you remember the name of your ex's brother?"
So she didn't want to talk about getting together. I felt kinda hurt.
"Oh, um Brandon, Brandon Trevor"
"Thanks" She said.
"Was that it?" I said expecting that she wanted to talk about us.
"I think that's it" she said and smiled at me, but it was fake.
I miss her so much. I miss hugging her, cuddling her, kissing her. I miss her being my girl.
I slowly walked away to my house. I just wanted to cry.
Once I was close to my house, I opened the door and slammed it behind me and ran to my room. I started crying and laid on my bed. I can't believe Sarah did this to me and HER BEST FRIEND! WHY?! Oliver came into my room.
"Are you okay Sebastian?"
"DO I LOOK OKAY?! I MISS MADDIE SO MUCH! I DIDNT CHEAT ON HER! SARAH KISSED ME! I didn't kiss back" I said and Oliver eyes widened. 
"Dude why didn't you tell her that?!"
"Because Diego took her to his house before I could say anything" I said while now sobbing.
"Well, why can't you tell her now?"
"Because she probably doesn't want to come back to me"
"That's not true. She wants to go back to you, but she's scared of being hurt again. You need to earn her trust, that's what she told me" he said. I need to go talk to her.
"Oliver can you text Maddie to come over?"
"Why can't you text her?"
"One, she probably won't come if I texted her, and two, she blocked me"
"Fine" He said took his phone.
"Should I leave?" He asked me.
"If you don't mind, but leave when she first gets here so she at least comes through the door" I said.
"Okay" He said and chuckled.
His phone then went off.
"She said she'll be here in five minutes"
"Okay" i said and walked to the bathroom to wash my face so it's not all crusty from crying.
About six minutes later there was a knock at the door. My heart dropped because I was so nervous. Oliver and I went to the door, but I stood where you couldn't see me if you opened the door. Oliver opened the door.
"Hey Maddie"
"Hey Oliver"
He opened the door more telling her that she can come in. She still didn't see me because I was behind the door.
Maddie's P.O.V
I was putting my things down on the couch.
"Hey so um, I'm going to hang out with my friends, but Sebastian's here so you guys can talk"
"Wait Oli-" I said but got cut off by the door slamming shut. It was awkward and silent, but Sebastian's soon broke the silence.
"Maddie can you please listen to me for a second" he said.
"Sebastian, please don't make excuses" I said.
"I'm not, this is true, please Maddie"
"I didn't kiss her Maddie. Sarah kissed me, and I didn't kiss back. Maddie, I've been so miserable without you. The only reason I was with Sophia was to get over you, but I'm not ready. Maddie I miss you so much" He said.
"Sebastian, I-I don't know if I can't trust you"
"Maddie please believe in me. We have been best friends for forever. Please trust me"
"Sebastian, I don't know what to think right now. I just don't know"
"Maddie plea-"
"I'm gonna go on a walk or something, to um- think it over. I'll talk to you later" I said. He nodded and I left.
I texted my mom and told her I was going on a walk. I decided to go to the place where Sebastian and I had our first date, perfect place huh? There is so much I need to think about. Can I trust Sebastian. As much as I want to, I have to be smart. I don't want to get hurt again. When Sebastian, maybe, maybe not, cheated on me, I was heart broken, and I don't want that to happen again. This is going to be a hard decision.

Hiiii guys. I hope you like this chapter. Ya know I say the same thing at the end for every chapter😂 Should I say a vine reference after every chapter. Comment a potato (🥔) for yes and a unicorn (🦄) for no😂 okay, bye now my dudes😂 PEACE!✌️

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