Chapter 38

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Maddie's P.O.V
My stupid alarm clock goes off. I sit up and look at my surroundings. I remember going to bed at Sebastian's house so I don't know why I'm here. He probably dropped me off or something, but why would he do that? I don't know. Although I do know that I don't want to go to school today and that's because one, it's school, nobody likes school, and two, Caden. I'm nervous to see him. He's mad at me. He's gonna ignore me all day. I didn't want this to happen. I still wanted to be friends with him, but I don't know if that's gonna happen.
I walk into the bathroom and turn on the sink to cold water. Once it was freezing cold, I put some in my hands and splashed it on my face. Lemme tell you this. It woke me RIGHT UP! I turned the water off and walked to my closet. I picked out some ripped jeans and a halter top that I got from Forever 21. I then grabbed my black vans and filled up my water bottle.
Skipping Some Time
Somebody knocked on the door and I assumed it was Sebastian and Oliver coming to pick me up. I opened it to see Caden. His eyes were red, like blood shot red. He was crying and knowing that he did broke my heart.
"Caden are you okay?! Come in" I said.
"M-Maddie" He said.
"Come here" I said and brought him into a hug. I then grabbed his hand and brought him to the couch where we sat down.
"Caden what's wrong?"
"Everything in my life is going downhill and I can't take it anymore"
"Caden, everything is going to get better, I promise you"
"Everybody says that, but is it actually true?"
"It is. I remember for me, it started off with love life, then my mom and my dad, then me getting raped, but look where I am now. Caden, I promise you" I said and looked into his eyes. He looked down not believing me.
I lifted his face up with my finger.
"Believe me, it will happen, and promise me one thing"
"What is it?"
"Please don't do anything you'll regret. You are loved by so many people including me. It would hurt so bad to know that you aren't here, so please promise me"
"I-I promise" he whispered.
"Good" I said and brought him into another hug.
I took his hand and led him to my bathroom to clean him up a bit. I take a warm wet rag that he can put on his face to get rid of the dry tears.
Once he was done, I heard another knock again. I opened the door and Oliver and Sebastian were standing there. This was gonna be awkward.
"Guys, Caden is gonna walk with us today, okay"
"Um, okay" Sebastian said in an annoyed tone. I punched his shoulder.
"Owww Maddie!"
"Knock it off, he's not having a good morning" I whispered to Sebastian.
Sebastian looked guilty and he apologized to Caden.
"Caden, is your backpack at your house?" I asked.
"Oh shoot, yah it is, but uh it's fine, I don't need it"
"Um we're going to school, are you sure?"
"Yah it's fine"
I nodded and we all walked to school.
I walked with Caden and Sebastian walked with Oliver.
Caden and I were having a short conversation when I spotted a bruise on his arm. I saw a few of them.
"What happened to your arm?" I asked.
"Oh, um it's nothing" he responded but I didn't believe him.
"Caden, What happened?"
"Maddie I promise it's nothing"
"Caden, I'm pretty sure there wouldn't be so many bruises if it was just nothing" I said and stopped him from walking. Sebastian and Oliver didn't noticed we stopped so they kept walking.
"Caden, please tell me"
"Fine" He said and let out a breath.
"It's my dad" he said and my heart broke into a million pieces.
"What do you mean it's your dad?!"
"He hurt me yesterday, I was crying all last night, and that's why I came to talk to you this morning, but I told him I was going to school early" he said.
"Oh my gosh Caden, has he done it before? Does your mom know?"
"No yesterday was the first time, but it hurt so bad, and I don't know if my mom knows or not. Probably not"
"Caden, next time he does anything, please tell me" I said I'm a concerned voice.
"Okay" He said while looking down.
"Is that why you didn't want to go get your backpack, because your dads there?" I asked.
"Um, yah" he said.
"Caden I am so sorry, you don't deserve any of this" I said.
He looked up and looked at me.
"Maddie please don't ever leave me, I don't know what I would do without you, as my friend of course" he said and started tearing up.
"I won't, ever, I promise" I said and I lifted up my pinky. He lifted up his too and we made a pinky promise. I let out a laugh and we started walking again. I know it was just yesterday when everything happened, but Caden means so much to me, and it hurt so much yesterday to know that he might not have been my friend anymore, but I'm glad to know that we are.

I haven't updated in almost a month.... and I'm sorry, I've been so busy with school and sports. Also sorry for the crappy chapter, I'll try to make a better one soon, but I hope you enjoy this one ig haha <3

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