Chapter 24

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Maddie's P.O.V
"Wow, I'm so sorry that happened to you. Whoever did that to you is heartless. How could anybody do that to a fifteen year old?!" Caden said raising his voice.
"Caden calm down, that is in the past, it already happened" I said and put my hand on his shoulder. He flinched a little bit. I went and sat next to him. Before I was sitting across. I hug him and he hugs back.
"It's so weird that we've only met today and I already feel so close to you" He says. I nod in agreement. We then let go of the hug.
"Anyways after I got raped I escaped wherever I was and ran to Sebastian's house. A few days later he invited his friend over and said I could invite mine over too, Sarah. Sebastian had gotten a text from Sarah and he went outside. They were outside for like five minutes so Diego, Sebastian's friend, who arrived like ten minutes before Sarah arrived, went outside and checked on them with me, but I wish I never saw it because when I went out there, Sarah and him were kissing, well one was kissing the other. They both told me there side of the story, but I don't know which one to believe. They both used to be my best friends. They were so close to me" I say and look down and try my best not to cry.
"I was really hurt" I said.
"Damn, I'm really sorry"
"Stop saying sorry, none of it is your fault" I say and we both laugh
Caden opens the door for me as we leave. I walk out then turn to him to say thank you for holding the door open when somebody bumps into me. I turn around and guess who it is?!
"Oh uh- Hi Sebastian" I say.
"Hi Maddie" he said. Caden stood next to me.
"Who is this?" Caden asks.
"This is Sebastian, Sebastian this is Caden" I said and they both glare at each other.
"How do you know each other?" Caden asks breaking his eye contact with Sebastian and looking at me.
"We used to date" I say and look down.
"Wait, is this the one that you said cheated on you?!" He said and took a step closer to Sebastian.
"Caden calm down" I said and pushed him back a little bit.
"Maddie he hurt you!" He yelled at me. He then punched Sebastian's face making him fall to the ground.
They were now tackling each other.
"CADEN STOP!" I say and try my best to pull off of Sebastian, but he was to strong.
Two workers from Starbucks came outside and pulled them off of each other.
"Caden what the hell!" I yell at him.
"Maddie, he hurt you, do you expect me to do nothing about it?!" Caden said.
"Caden go home and we will talk about this later" I said.
"Go home Caden" he didn't say anything, he just nodded and started walking away.
I turned around and saw Sebastian standing there looking at me with hurt in his eyes.
"Um, let's get you all fixed up" I said. He nodded. It's so awkward between us, and I hate it, but it's his fault.
Once we got to my house, we went into the bathroom and I grabbed the first aid kit. This is just like when I got hurt but this time I get to use the alcohol pad. Tehehe ;).
"Sit" I told Sebastian. He sat on the toilet.
Sebastian had a bloody nose, a bruise on his cheek, and a cut on his cheek as well. I took the alcohol pad out of the wrapper.
"Sorry Sebastian" I tell him snapping him out of his daydreaming.
"Wh- OWWW! SON OF A BI-" he started screaming because of the alcohol pad, but before he could finish, I put my hand over his mouth.
"Now you know how I feel" I said and laughed.
"YOU SUCK" he said and I started laughing even more because that's what I said.
I grab some toilet paper and put some water on it. I then place it under Sebastian's nose. He takes it from me and holds it there himself. Lastly, I go to the freezer and grab an ice pack for the bruise. When I came back, I took the bloody toilet paper (from his nose😂💀) and threw it away. I then put the ice pack under his eye where the bruise was.
"Thanks Maddie" Sebastian said then taking the ice pack from my hand and looking down.
"Sebastian" I said trying to make him look up but he still looks down.
"Sebastian look at me" I said. He looked up and his eyes were red from crying.
"Sebastian, what's wrong?"
"Seriously, 'whats wrong?' Maddie you want to know what's wrong. What's wrong is that my best friend that I have basically known my whole FREAKIN LIFE DOESN'T TRUST AND BELIEVE ME! That's what's wrong Maddie!" He said yelling at me while crying.
I wanted to cry, my throat started to hurt from holding back the tears. There was silence till I broke it.
"Sebastian, I don't even know what to believe anymore. How do you think I feel during this. Put yourself in my shoes. I'm trying to figure out which one of my BEST FRIENDS ARE LYING! I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE ANY OF YOU GUYS BECAUSE I LOVE YOU AND SARAH. I don't know how I'm going to figure it out! So stop acting like I can just go back to you easily, because I can't!"
I said and then there was silence. I once again broke it.
"Sebastian, trust me, if I could go back to you that easily, I would, but after you supposedly cheated on me, it was like I just got shot in the heart. I actually loved you Seb-"
"Loved?" He questioned.
"Yes I loved you"
"So you don't love me anymore?" He said looking down. There was silence. I couldn't hold back my tears anymore. I started crying. I cry way to much, but I just can't hold the tears in.
"Maddie please don't cry" he said. I went and sat down on my bed in my room. He followed.
"Don't talk Maddie, just lay down" he told me and I did as I was told. He tucked me in. He then stood up and left.
"Bye Maddie"
"Bye Sebastian"
I heard the door slam.
"Sebastian, I still do love you"

Hiiiiii guysssss! Sorry for a really bad chapter, not that all the other ones aren't bad😂 Anyways, I hope you liked this ig😂 Kk, bye now😂💞

"Mother trucker dude, that hurt like a butt cheek on a stick"
"Watch your profanity"
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Comment if you have heard this vine😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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