Chapter 23

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Maddie's P.O.V
It's been a week since I last talked to Sebastian. I'm still hurt. I've been crying through out the whole week. I hate to admit it, but I still miss him, but we aren't good for each other. If we end up back together, I'm just going to get hurt again.
I was getting ready for school. I wore high waisted shorts with a vans shirt as well as some checkered print vans. I left my hair down today. I went to go do my makeup. I put some concealer under my eyes because with out it I looked like a ghost. I then put some mascara on and that was it. At this point, I really don't care what people think of what I look like. Like, I'm sorry if I bother you, but it's your fault for looking.
I grab my phone and my backpack and leave to go to school. Only Oliver takes me to school now. Sebastian's friends, who I kinda got close to through school, walked with Seb. I feel bad that we have to walk in two separate groups, but it's better than being all awkward walking together.
"Did you hear anything I just said?" Oliver asked me.
"What, oh um, sorry no. I'm really tired. I didn't get that much sleep last night"
"Whatever, I was saying that you and Sebastian should at least be friends. You guys are miserable without each other"
"I'm not miserable Oliver. I'm completely fine"
"Really Maddie. Stop lying. Your eyes are red like you were crying and you were probably crying last night and that's why you didn't get a lot of sleep. Sebastian did the same thing last night"
"Oliver I can't be friends with him. If we become friends again, then we will probably end up being together again, then I will get hurt again, then everything is gonna happen all over again"
"Your not very optimistic, you need to brighten up kiddo"
"Oliver, I don't even know what my future is gonna look like, but it's probably gonna be dark and gloomy"
"Yah dark and gloomy, you say that because Sebastian's isn't there"
"Oliver stop!"
"Crap, Sorry. Didn't mean to get on your bad said cranky pants"
"I hate you Oliver"
"Love ya to Maddie"
We made it to school and I walked around by myself. I decided to sit in the library because I didn't want to seem like a loner. I open the door and immediately bump into someone and they drop their books. I look up. It was a boy. He was pretty cute, I don't think I have ever seen him before.
"Oh I'm sorry. Let me help you" I said and helped pick up the books.
"No, it's all good" he said.
"I haven't seen you around here, are you new?"
"Yah, today is my first day"
"Oh that awesome, want me to show you around?" I asked him.
"Sure" He said and we smiled at each other. We both them stood up and exited the library.
"So what's your name, I'm Maddie"
"Hi Maddie, my name is Caden"
"Hi Caden" we started walking around the school and we happened to walk past Sebastian. We didn't say anything to each other, but when he saw me with Caden, his fists and jaw clenched. He needs to back off, it's his fault that we broke up, so he needs to F off. I just glared at him an we continued to walk.
"You okay?" Caden asked.
"Yah I'm fine, thanks for asking" I said and smiled.
The bell soon rang.
"What's your first class?" I ask Caden.
"English, you?" He says.
"Same! We can walk together if ya want" I say.
"Sure" He says and smiles at me.
"Okay" I say and smile back.
We make it to English and the class started right away.
After school
I basically hung out with Caden all day. He's a pretty cool guy. I think we're gonna be great friends. We are actually meeting up at Starbucks in like an hour. So I'm getting ready. I didn't change my outfit because it's just Starbucks, but I put my hair in a messy bun because it was crazy. After that I touched up my makeup then grabbed my money and went into the living room.
I had time to spare so I scrolled through Instagram. Caden was meeting me at my house than we are going to walk together.
About 30 minutes later, Caden arrived and we left.
"Hey Maddie" he said and smiled.
"Hiya Caden" I said and smiled back.
He started a small conversation that lasted the walk to Starbucks. 
Once we arrived we ordered.
"What would you guys like?" The lady at the register asked. Caden looked at me indicating for me to go first.
"Um, I'll take a Pink Drink please" I said and smiled. She placed the order than looked at Caden.
"Can I get the Carmel Frap please"
"Of course, is that it for you guys today?"
"Yep" He said. I then grabbed my money out of my pocket and went to hand it to the lady, by Caden moved my hand before she could take it and gave her his money.
"You suck" I said to him and he smirked.
"Whatever" He said.
We went and sat down at a table.
"So tell me stuff about you" Caden told me.
"Um, well. It's just been my mom and me for a few months now. We're like best friends" I said and laughed a little.
"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry" Caden said.
"No it's okay"
"A lot of other shit has happened the past few months"
"What happened, if you don't mind telling, unless you don't want to, that's totally fine"
"Well my best friend, Sebastian, and I used to date. We were good together, well that's what I thought, but I'll get to that after what I'm about to tell you. *he nods* Um, one night I was at Sebastian's house and I decided to go to the hospital because my mom was there, she was in a coma, her and my dad both were after a car accident (I think. I hate how I can't remember one of the most important parts of the story🤦‍♀️)   My dad had died, but my mom made, but anyways, I was going to visit my mom. I was walking there because I don't have a car, but I'm the walk somebody kidnapped me, and raped me. Those were the worst days of my life. I was scared and I was being beat. After that, a few weeks later I took two pregnancy tests. They both came out positive. *he gasped* but I've been thinking about it, and I think that I'm going to abort it. As much as I don't want to kill my baby I don't think I will ever want to have the baby of the father who is a disgrace to me."

Oh buddy, Maddie wants to abort the baby😱 what do you think Maddie should do with the baby? Anyways, I hope you guys liked this chapter. I also wanted to say that I started school, so I won't be as active, but I'll still try to. :) Okay, I gots to go because I'm going swimming😂 Bye now😁💗
"Don't f with me, I have the power of God and Anime on my side! AHHHHH!" Bahaha, I love this one😂 Comment if you know that vine😂

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