15. Furious Duck

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As Yewon continued to ask her friend what is the reason for the sudden change of her mind she would always answer that she wanted a change for something. But she also knew that this isn't just the only reason, she just shrugged it off because she will also know about it in the future. She is like the younger and female version of Sherlock Holmes she can solve that puzzling behavior of Eunbi, she just needs time.

It is the day.

Today is Eunbi's first day of school. Hopefully she managed to be at the same grade level as Yewon when she's filing her application form, but it's just that they're not lucky enough to be assigned in just one class.

"You ready?" asked Yewon to Eunbi who's hands are placed in her back and making unnecessary motions.

She's probably nervous to be back to this hell of a place after a long time. Maybe she's not the socially inclined type of person but she can manage her attitude towards other person. So she knew she can handle this rotten place.

"Always!" Eunbi reprimanded, not any sign of nervousness can be felt from her voice, as she starts to walk closer to the gate of their school which gained a nod from her friend who also starts to follow her footsteps.

They kept on walking until they reached the point where they need to part ways. "We need to part ways here now. You already know your room right? And I already handed you the copy of your schedule. Just text or call me whenever you need anything. I'm just in the next building" Yewon instructed as she checks if she had done all the important things. It's funny to think how the youngest of the two acts like a mother that is so worried about letting her child go to school for the first time ever.

"Yeah~" answered Eunbi, shortly. It may not look like it but she's very grateful to this kind and caring acts of her friend. If not because of this, she might be already a dead meat by now because it's hard to live alone but the weight that she's carrying had lighten when she met Yewon.

She's really the resident tsundere.

She walks and walks until she reached her designated room. She breaths a few time before knocking. The door made a low creaking sound as it slowly reveals what is inside the room.

"Are you the new student?" a man asked wearing a thick framed glasses and have some sort of calculus book clutched on his hand as he only turned his torso towards Eunbi who is waiting at the other side of the door.

"Yes sir! I am!" she responded, cheerfully wearing a smile that outshines even in the next few rooms after theirs.

"Please come in and introduce yourself to the class" he instructed and Eunbi obeyed right after.

"Hello! I am Hwang Eunbi. Nice to meet you all. Please take good care of me~" she finished off making a 90 degree bow.

"Okay please sit beside Mr. Jeon" he pointed to the only vacant seat left, beside is where a guy named Jeon Jungkook is seated and is smiling lavishly knowing the fact that he would have Eunbi as his seatmate for the entire school year.

As shown before, their first subject is calculus which is not a good thing to start the new student's day on school. 'Ugh! I hate calculus'

The class continued as it reached lunch time. Leaving Eunbi alone in the room as her other classmates already go to the canteen where they would eat their lunch. She doesn't really have an appetite right now, so she decided to just listen to some music while her head is plunged to her desk.

Minutes after, she suddenly felt fingers delicately tapping her back. As she lift her head she is met by these chirpy eyes owned by her seatmate, Jungkook.

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