41. Giving Up

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"Yes, who else are you expecting to see here?" his smirk just seem to widen every passing moment, "Gosh, I should join a drama, I'm really good at acting yes?"

"What are you doing here?!" Eunbi was having a hard time comprehending what was happening, she tried so hard to think but her mind sprouts no answer, "A-are you the one behind all t-these fucking stuffs?!"

Maintaining that sappy smirk, his lips etched into a snicker, "The drop dead gorgeous Jeon Jungkook. Yes, it was none other than me." his undue overall self confidence was knocking Eunbi out.

Suddenly, Eunbi felt furious waves of adrenaline urging her to wash off that smirk on his face by smacking him so hard until he cannot crack even the tiniest smile ever again.

"Hmm... I'm going to guess what are you going to say next," he propped his hand onto his chin, softly caressing it, "You're going to ask why am I doing this aren't you?"

With all honesty, that was what Eunbi wanted to know so bad.


"As I expected," Jungkook began, "It was fun playing with you all."

"I asked why?!" Eunbi snapped, knuckles turning white because of the tight clutch on her fist, "I fucking asked why Jungkook?!"

"Woah~ hahahaha why are you getting fired up so early?" he spoke, mockingly. A scornful laugh erupting on his face.

"Fuck this! Just answer my question Jungkook!"

After he settled, the brunette sucked as much air as he can onto his lungs, "I... I have the same reason as you."

Eunbi's brows met in bewilderment, "What? W-what do you mean huh?!"

"Vengeance." Jungkook answered shortly, "That was all part of the process of seeking vengeance for her."

She rolled her eyes in displease, the brewing lividity inside wasn't helping her, "Can you speak the way that I can understand it?!"

Jungkook just clicked his tongue, "Pathetic bitch."

"What the-?!" Eunbi exploded, her feet working its way towards him. Ready to go physical on him at any given moment.

"Can't you hear me bitch?!" he growled, raising his voice so that Eunbi can clearly hear whatever he is blabbering about, "I'm seeking vengeance just like you stupid!"

"I can totally hear you!" Eunbi forcefully captured his collar, gripping it tight, "Especially when you called me bitch."

This was a sudden development of actions. Jungkook just let out few low chuckles as a response, his voice shamming on Eunbi's ears.

Eunbi then violently banged him to the wall, the collision making dull yet loud sounds. "Explain to me! Explain to me the vengeance you're talking about!"

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