Chapter 5

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Minhye's POV

When I got home, I saw a letter, sticking on my refrigerator. And it came from my mother.

Minhye, you have to leave this apartment since you haven't paid to the landlady for 3 months already. You still have time to prepare until tomorrow since you don't have classes for that day. I already provide your own apartment and just for you. She said you don't have to pay her back because I will do it for you. Just leave the house and I'll take care of the rest ok? I'm sorry for the inconvinience today but please take care and don't overwork yourself ok? I love you, Min-min.

So I have to prepare all my things right now?! Shit.

I put all the things in my bags and my luggages and double checked if I didn't left anything inside.

I left the house at midnight and drove all the way to Beverly Hills Hotel.

When I got there inside, I was amazed by its creation, it was so pure and elegant!

I asked the receptionist if I had already booked a room like my mother said.

"Uhh... Had Ms. Kim Shiyoo already booked a room?" I asked courtously.

"What's your name ma'am?" She asked as she got the book in her hands and search for my name.

"Kim Minhye"

"Uhh yes, your room is in 289" She handed me the keys and I almost left but I remembered something.

"Do I have a roommate for this room?" I was curious.

"Yes and you'll see once you got there" She gave me a warm smile.

"Ok and thank you" I bowed to her as a sign of gratitude and she also did the same.

I took the elevator to went up and search for my room, 289.

Until I found it, I unlocked the lock on the door and opened it. I wish my roommate is only a girl but it can be a boy but not HYUNGWON.

What the hell?!

There is a big mess in this room and this is pissing me off.

I put all my bags and luggages aside and started cleaning all the mess that have been scattered in this room.

If I only knew who my roommate was, I would totally scold that person for not knowing having a roomate inside.

After 30 minutes of cleaning, I realized that there's only one bed. So does this mean that we have to share half of the bed together?!

What the?! It's ok as long as it's the king-size bed.

I allowed myself to fall on the bed since I don't have enough strength for today. It was so early and my eyes were forcing to keep it open until then I laid down my body onto the sheets, my eyes were finally closed.

???'s POV

I got home late since I attended a club party awhile ago. When I got to my room, I realized that my door was unlocked.

Maybe some stranger went inside this room.

I went inside and held out a stick then saw the room that it was already clean. I never cleaned my room ever. but who could that be?

I heard a person snoring like a pig and went to approached him/her. That person was covered by a blanket so I pulled it down and...


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