Chapter 20

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Minhye's POV

Why does it feels so warm? I like it.

I slowly opened my eyes and I was being embraced by someone's arms. It could be possible that I.M. is here you know, but who could this be?

I lift up my head since I could only look straight in his chest and saw a sleeping Hyungwon.


He's so adorable.

I admired his sleeping face for awhile and I haven't realized that I cupped his face and he suddenly flashed his eyes open and I released it immediately.

"What are you doing?" He said it with a cold tone and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Nothing" I lied.

"You sure?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Yes, sir" I gulped.

"Tch. Don't call me that and stop admiring my face, missy" He let go of me and turned to the other side and now I'm facing his back.

How did he knew that? Is he even sleeping?! Shit. I'm screwed.

I was staring at the ceiling and shivered by the coldness. I did really mess up. I tried to stand up but nope, I was too weak. I have no blanket. He took the blanket that I held earlier and now I was only covering my body with my hands and legs. I was crying out because of coldness. I'm sure that he didn't heard me anyways. Not like he cares but why did he hug me earlier?

Tch. Stop overreacting Minhye. I'm sure he did it on purpose. It's not like he likes me anyways, we're rivalries. We're opposite from each other. It's not like he will become a good guy again, I don't even know what's the cause of his attitude today.

I tried to reach my phone on the table to text I.M. that I wasn't feeling well and Hyungwon was angry with me but it wasn't there.

I feel like crying inside because I've got nothing. I kept hugging my knees on to my chest and suddenly a tear slid down on my face. I was crying silently and let out a sniff. My heart was aching.

I'm still sick and now he's just going to let me die in coldness? Just Great.

I totally deserve it anyways. As long as I'll die, I'll never going to see him again.

I let out another sniff and suddenly his arms wrapped around my body and pulled me closer to his embrace...

"You know... You should have told me that you were crying because of me" He changed his tone into a pity one.

"H-how would I know? I mean you didn't care about me right? That's why I didn't told you in the first place" More tears were streaming down on my face. It hurts that I said that but... Reality hurts.

He pulled me even more closer and I can feel the warmness again in my body.

"You may think about that because I'm always been a bad boy... But I also care about you because I said that I help out other people even my rivalries and enemies. So it doesn't even means that I like you or something but it became my habit on helping other people out and especially you" He said.

"Well even if you just left me there all alone crying and sniffing beside you... I'm still thankful enough" I grip on his arms.

"Thankful for what? Letting you die here even when you're sick? Nope, not happening. Because I care about you get it?"

He let go of me as I turned around to face him straightly and hug him.

"Ok, I get it. But thank you anyways" I rested my face on his chest and went off to sleep again.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. No need to thank me" He hugged me back."I..... I love you Min" He said and also hug me back and went off to sleep back.

But I didn't heard him what he said because I went off to sleep fast but it's sad that I didn't catch him up. But I'm so relief that he's not just a bad boy with a stupid attitude. But a bad boy who even cares for the people even his enemies and his rivalry that is, Me, Kim Minhye.

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