Chapter 30

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I went back to her office after those 'lovey-dovey' conversations of them.

Just how many minutes I wasted my time from being there, watching and listening those pathetic explaination?

I wish she haven't woke up yet.

There's still time to work on things.

Minhye's POV


After a long sleep, I stretch my body and yawned tiredly.

I don't wanna wake up~

I saw a nurse standing infront of me with a caring smile.

"What happened to you, Minhye?" The nurse asked.

"Oh, I'm just tired nurse" I grinned.

"Then, are you ok now?" She asked with a worried look.

"Yeah and nothing less and more"

"Ok take care, don't overwork yourself. Health also is important in your body remeber that" She widely smile and gently waved goodbye.

"Thank you and take care also" I waved back and rushed back to the office.

When I got there, I saw Hyungwon is sleeping in the chair, crossing his arms and legs with his eyes closed and papers were placed in one particular place and I bet he already finished it.

I went to him to wake him up by ruffling his hair and pinching his cheeks.

Welp, this is my way to wake others up ya know.

He groaned and stretched out his arms and legs at the same time. Blinked his eyes many times and pouted like a little child.

Tbh... He's kinda cute.

"Yah. You awake now?" I asked him as I swiped his messy hair back to see his face clearly since they were covering his pretty face.

So gorgeous.

"Yeah... Have you already fallen for me?" He smirked with his eyes closed.

Just what the heck was thattt?!!

"Yah! Pfft. Such a bummer. I would rather slaughter your face than saving it" I sulked.

"Yah haha! I'm teasing. Then why your face becomes red anyway?" He opened his eyes and asked me in a suspicious way.

Oh sake. He's right. I could feel my cheeks were burning anyways.

Arghhhhhh. Tasukete :'(. (Help me)

"Uhh... Because it's hot today. Phew" I fanned myself with my hands and gulped nervously, looking away from his beautiful eyes - Wait. Who am I kidding? 'Beautiful'? Nahhh.

"Oh really? Did I make you to feel this hotness atmosphere? Well, you're welcome"He said with a proud smile.

This guy is getting cheesyyy since I don't like cheeseee.

"Tch. Well not thank you anyways" I scoffed.

"Maybe next time you might melt for my charmness after you feel hot by the way" His gaze looked at me intensely with a smirk.

"Crazy" I muttered under my breath.

"Anyways... Forget about it. I'm just kidding anyways" He said with a normal smile unlike those abnormal smiles he had earlier. "What I want to say is... Will you be my partner for the prom party?" He stood up and offered a hand for me.

"You know you're weird right?" I frankly open up.

"Yeah I know but I'm serious about here" His gaze were intensely looking at me straightly.

"But I already have I.M. to be my-"

"But did he asked you out earlier?" He cut me with a stern look. Feels like the 'Cold Hyungwon' is back again.

"No" I frowned.

"If there's a chance" He brighten up a bit.

"Mmm... Sure" I smiled.

"R-really?" His eyes widened and stuttered with a surprised look.

"Who do you think I'm kidding anyways? Of course I'll give others chances" I said.

"Mmm... Thank you Min-ssi! You're the best!" He hug me suddenly, plastered with a big smile on his face.

It's good to hear some compliments from Hyungwon. I didn't know that he's so cute when it comes to this.

"Aww, you're welcome Won-ah" I slightly hug him back since he's so warm anyways.

And I love warmmm :-)

"Welp, thanks again" He pulled back. "I already finished your paperworks so you don't have to pay me back. Talking with you is already enough for me so you don't have to do something for me in return. Well, I have to go now since my time is running out but I didn't waste my time on you, Pres" He winked and it makes me flattered at the same time.

I wish he's always like this. The 'Sweet Hyungwon' I want to know.

"Sure, let's meet later, bye Won" I smiled and waved at him goodbye.

"Byeee. Wabbyyyuuu, Pres" He cutely said and did an aegyo.

Jeez, my heart is going wild because of him.

Anyways..... Did I just heard 'wabbyuu' the wrong thing?

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