Chapter 39

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I slowly kissed him back and wrapped my arms around his neck while his arms were on my waist. This is what we needed for now.

After a long kiss, we both pulled away and everybody rounded their applause for us. With a cheering expression on their faces and raising their thumbs up.

"Please accept Hyungwon in your life, Pres!" One student shouted supportedly.

"Pres, You and Hyungwon are so lovely with each other! Please answer him!" Another student cheered for us.

We both looked unsure, still holding our hands together and everyone cheered for "MINWON!" in unison.

(*Min* hye + Hyung *won* = MinWon)

(A/N: Made by me, hehe)

I sighed. Should I answer him or not?

I just broke up with I.M. just now and accepting another guy so early?

I don't know how to decide this...

Maybe he'll get mad if I don't want to accept him for now but soon I will.

"Everyone... I'm sure Minhye is not sure of her answer yet. Please give her time. She just broke up with I.M. today and she's going to accept another guy so very early? I know you're all excited but let's be patient for awhile. I'm sure she's making up her mind. You understand me right?" He caredly smiled to everyone, understanding me that I have a hard time finding answers.

"Yes, Won" Everyone agreed.

"See... I can control them like I'm the King for them and you're the Queen" He whispered and winked at me. I hug him, gratefully thankful for his help and understanding me.

"Thank youuu, Won!" I felt happy and calm right now and he just giggled and hugged me back.

"You're welcome, my love"


The next day

We go to the university as usual, early in the morning. Having a hilarious conversation between us until...

"Minhye!" A familiar voice called my name.

I turned back and saw that Bambam and Mark is walking towards me.

"Hey guys! It's been days we haven't chat you know" I chuckled.

"Oh~ my~ god~" Mark teased us and faking cough and clearing his throat.

"Anyways, how about 4 of us will hang out for awhile?" Bambam suggested.

"Sure" Hyungwon and I agreed together.

"Aigoo, these lovely couples, these days~" Mark said with a sneaky smirked.

"Btw, you'll be meeting my girlfriend" Bambam cheekily smiled.

"You have a girlfriend?" Hyungwon asked in disbelief.

"Yeah and you got a problem with that?" He said as he was playfully trying to pick a fight.

"Nope because Minhye will be my girlfriend soon, so I was just teasing as you can see" Hyungwon said it without hesitation and regrets.

Such a shameless guy.

"Errr..." I was kinda speechless but not really.

"Shhhh, can we go now? It hurts for being single" Mark pouted.

"A handsome boy like you is still single? Such a waste. I can find you a girl, want me to set up a blind date?" Bambam suggested.

"Nope, I want a real love not blinded" Mark said.

"Okkk let's go. Things were getting so cheesy lately" I said.

They nodded.

"What class are you taking?" Hyungwon asked.

"Science" Mark and Bambam said in unison.

"Haha! Same! Leshh go" I said excitedly and led my way to the classroom.

After class, Lunch time

"Boyyy, that project is so tiring" Mark whined in frustration.

"I know right? I thought I'm going to die there forever" Hyungwon said in an exaggeration way.

"Jeez, why won't the professors let us live?" Bambam gave out his body and landed on the table.

"Aigoo these boys" I chuckled.

"Jaeshi! I'm here!" Bambam yelled out his girlfriend.

Ahh... Choi Jaeshi. Used to be my bestfriend, hehe.

She came here and sat beside Bambam while he encircled his arms around her shoulders.

"Everyone, this is Choi Jaeshi. My official girlfriend" He playfully wiggled his eyebrow and she just laughed off.

"Yeah and no one asked you a 'fake' girlfriend" Mark rolled his eyes.

"Yah!" He stood up in anger and Jaeshi gently pulled him down.

"I'm sorry Mark. He's just out of his mind" She said warmly and she hasn't changed at all.

She diverted her gaze at me, shocked expression were written on her face.

"Minmin-ahh~" She said cutely.

"Jaejae-ya~" I replied back.

Boys were looking at us in a disgusting way and were even cringy at these things.

"Ok, hope that two of you will know each other more in the future" Bambam let out a souless chuckled.

"Best friends..." I paused for a sec, waiting for her to continue the line

"Forever" She chuckled and I joined her too.

"Ok you two were close and now we have to order out lunch. Man I'm freaking hungry right now" Hyungwon whined in hunger and Mark is going to order for us.

He left and starting lining. Bambam has to get his notes in their locker since he'll be having a long test later, so Jaeshi accompanied him and they soon both left.

Now it's me and Hyungwon left.

Awkwardness lingered between us.

"What happened between you and I.M.?" He broke the awkward atmosphere.

"Nothing. He didn't talk to me after that incident yesterday" I sighed, felt a little disappointed that the two of you were not talking with each other.

"I bet he's going to explain everything for you, next time" He said in a pity tone.

"Maybe" I hardly sighed.

"You know we should often hang out" He suddenly held my hands and looking at me in a charming way.

"J-just you and me?" I was confused.

He nodded and I feel that my heart already explode because of his charms.

"We always hang out" I said.

Everywhere, we always hang out.

"Just in the apartment you know. I want outsude of the world not always being stuck up in one place just like our boring apartment" He grinned.

"Errr....." I didn't even know what to say.

"Don't worry, I'll set the peaceful and happy place, just for the two of us" He pushed a strand of hair behind my ear and cupped my cheek, widely smiled at me.

Goodness! He's so lovely. I slowly started to fall for him, tbh.

"Thank you, just what I needed" I replied and placed my hand above his.

"I know you're not ready to accept me as your boyfriend yet but I'll do everything for you just to make you happy. I'll mark my words"

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