Chapter 1

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I was sitting in my living room reading a book my boyfriend's little brother gave me when I heard someone walking in my attic right above me. I set my book down and listened for the footsteps but they stopped. I went back to reading and I heard them again. I set my book back down and they stopped. This went on for a good half hour when I heard a knock at the door. I jumped sky high out of my skin and went to answer it.

"Hey baby!" Sodapop greeted me. "Hey Pepsi! I'm glad your here. There have been some strange noises going on in my attic." He looked at me and smiled. "It might be because your house is new. No one has lived here for a few years. The house just might be settling from all the unpacking you've be doing." Soda rationalized with me. "Maybe. It was just kinda freaky." I told him. He hugged me and said, "Hey why don't you come over to my place and settle your nerves. You're a bit shaky." I hadn't even noticed I'd been shaking. "Yea. Let me just grab my keys and make sure the back door is locked." I walked into the kitchen and grabbed my keys. I looked at the back door and it was locked. I walked out the front door with Soda and locked the front door, jiggling the door knob to make sure it was locked. Then we heading to his house.

When we got there I saw one of my two favorite people sitting on the couch. He hadn't seen or heard us walk in. I turned to Soda and put my finger to my lips. He nodded and stood there quietly. I walked up begin the couch. "Boo!" I yelled, making the 14 year old jump 10 feet off the couch and throw his book. "Holy crap! Ramsey!" He yelled. "You gave me a heart attack." He said his voice a bit shaky. I was red in the face from laughing so hard. "Sorry Pone. I thought I'd give you a little scare." I said as I hugged him around his neck. "You gave me more than just a little scare. It's okay." His voice was back to normal now as he put his hands on my forearms. I looked over at Soda and he was doubled over. He eventually stopped laughing and sat next to Ponyboy. Pony playfully punched him in the shoulder. I decided to stay for a couple hours and have some fun. I was unpacking all day and I was uber bored. We have to move to a different house in Tulsa because our old one was falling apart and we were spending too much money on repairs. It was around 6 o'clock and I could hear Darry cooking in the kitchen. The aroma of chicken and rolls drifted into the kitchen. I always loved Darry's cooking from the minute I met the boys.

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