Chapter 1

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When I woke this morning I had absolutely no idea that today was going to be a day that would affect the rest of my life. I know it sounds like I'm overstating a little but trust me I'm not. Everything changed for me the second I saw her and I'm positive that today I met the girl I'm going to marry.

I'm jumping ahead a bit so let me start at the beginning.

The day started out like most of my days, I woke up, alone and in a very bad mood. I'm not grumpy by nature, in fact, I think I have what some might call a sunny disposition. However, that sunny disposition doesn't kick in until my third cup of coffee. I rolled out of bed, did I mention that the only occupant of said bed was me? Anyway, moving along, I showered, got dressed in my favorite pinstripe power suit and headed off to work after gulping down two home brewed mugs of java. I stopped to pick up Starbucks as I do every morning and by the time I pulled into my reserved parking space I was ready to hit the ground running.

My good mood lasted about half an hour until Rosé waltzed into my office with her trademark smirk. Rosé, full name Roseanne, and I did not get along when we first met. I viewed her as a rival and she viewed me as a spoiled rich girl who got her job based on my last name versus my actual ability to do my job.

You see my father runs and owns the company we both got our paycheck from but I can assure you he wouldn't keep me in my seat if I didn't produce results. K&J Consulting is a small but highly successful public relations firm based out of Los Angeles that up until six months ago had relied heavily on well established stars as our core business. My father though felt that it was time to branch out and expand our business to include clients that were just starting out in their careers, hence his hiring of Rosé

The minute I laid my eyes on Rosé and her long legs and wavy brown locks I felt an instant attraction that went unaddressed because of my severe dislike of her. She would make snotty remarks and used every opportunity to bash my ideas. There is a chance I'm being a bit biased but I don't thinks so, however, the way she tells it I was unwelcoming and horrible, lies I tell you, all lies!

Our fights and strong feelings of mistrust were really just foreplay and one night when we were both working late we ended up having sex in my office, her office and perhaps we may have snuck in a session or two in the boardroom as well. We tried to have a relationship but the heat between us fizzled out after a week, so being the traditional lesbians that we are, we became the best of friends.

I am going to assume that me being gay does not come as a big surprise.

Most people I meet know off the bat that I'm a lesbian, apparently I have this quality about me that screams I like having sex with women, I don't see it though. Even my parents, god bless them, knew I was gay before I did. By the time I figured out my sexuality I was sixteen and of course being the overly dramatic teenager that I was, I was sure my life was over.

I agonized about how to tell my parents, they were and are very traditional so I guessed that me having not so innocent thoughts about the female gender would not be something they took well. I spent weeks running all sorts of worst case scenarios through my head and by the time I worked up the courage to be honest with them I was such a nervous wreck that I hadn't eaten in almost three days. My actual recollection of my coming out is a bit fuzzy but from what I've been told I blurted out "I like girls" and when my mom responded with "finally we thought you'd never admit the truth," I fainted.

What I didn't know was that my parents had been discussing my gayness from a fairly young age and the longer I perpetrated the lie the harder it was for them, yes they actually said for them. My dad told me that he and my mom would fight to control their laughter when I gushed about boys. I have to be honest, I was a little miffed at their reaction. Don't get me wrong I know how lucky I am to have parents who love me no matter what but I had spent weeks building up to that moment and to have it fall flat was sort of deflating. They joke about how I sulked because they didn't start screaming or praying for my soul, I, on the other hand deny their account of what happened completely.

Today I Met The Girl I'm Going To Marry | jensooWhere stories live. Discover now