Epilouge: Meet The Kims I

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Yesterday was a very exciting day.

Not only did my best friend get engaged.


But I also shared with her the news I've kept mostly to myself the last few months.

I never intended to keep my relationship a secret for so long. It just happened to play out that way.

At first I didn't want to jinx how well things were going, something I wasn't used to.

I'm still not actually. This isn't the longest relationship I've been in, but it is by far the most serious I've experienced.

I should probably start with how and where I met the girl that I'm crazy about.

I knew there was something special about her the second our eyes connected. It sounds so cliché and it also sounds like something Jisoo would say, but that's exactly what happened.

I was standing in line at Starbucks and running late.

I hate being late.

My chest tightens and my patience level drops to a point where some people might refer to me as rude. Normally I like to think of myself as a nice and fairly polite person but that morning I wanted to get my coffee, not talk to anyone and get started on my very busy day.

As fate would have it, I picked the slowest of the two lines to wait in.

I cursed the universe at the time but looking back I should have been thanking my lucky stars that I decided to go right instead of left.

I checked my email constantly as I not so patiently waited and never really took in my surroundings until I was the next person in line.

I remember feeling relieved that I was going to place my order very soon. The person in front of me had other ideas though.

She went back and forth on what to order so many times I could feel my blood pressure rising. I huffed and sighed behind her in a not so subtle way hoping it would get her to speed up.

I even tapped my foot loudly to voice my displeasure at being inconvenienced by her inability to make a decision.

When she placed her order and paid I muttered "finally" under my breath.

Yeah, I know, I'm not too proud of my actions but like I said, I was in a mood that morning.

The woman, who had dirty blonde hair, turned around to go pick up her coffee and that's when I first saw her brown eyes.

I felt like I had been hit by some unknown force as our eyes lingered on each other.

I couldn't breathe.

I couldn't move.

And my heart skipped so many beats I was worried that something was actually wrong with me for a split second.

She kept her eyes focused on me as she walked by but she didn't utter a word.

I was frozen in place and my purpose for being in Starbucks was completely forgotten.

All I knew was I needed to see those eyes again.

It was only after the person behind me nudged me forward that I snapped out of my trance.

I mumbled something, I don't even recall what it was because I was in such a hurry to find that woman.

When I got to the counter to pick up whatever it was that I ordered she wasn't there.

My heart sank until I heard a voice behind me.

It was her.

She apologized for taking so long and I just stood there like an idiot.

Today I Met The Girl I'm Going To Marry | jensooWhere stories live. Discover now