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BILBO'S party was amazing. Indeed a party of the year. So many beautiful decorations. Lots of delicious food that can feed a whole country for a month, it's unbelievable it's food for just a small town. But hey, these are Hobbits we're talking about. Have you seen them eat? They eat like they haven't been fed for a year. And they just had a big meal! Many Hobbits had come to Bilbo's 111th birthday. Half of them are probably not even invited, but came anyway. Bilbo was surrounded by a group of children as he told stories of his quest with the dwarves to Erebor. He was telling of his encounter with the trolls.

Gandalf was showing off his amazing fireworks as they exploded into a million colors in the sky amazing everyone who saw it. The three friends Felina, Lou, and Dia sat at a table with Frodo and Sam. They sense Sam's reluctance to ask Rosy for a dance. He stares at her dreamily but says and does nothing. They try to encourage him.

"Go on Sam. Ask Rosy for a dance" Frodo says cheerfully.

"I-I'm not so sure about that Mr. Frodo" Sam stutters,being shy and indecisive.

"Come on Sam. Can't be that bad. I'm sure Rosy would love to dance with a good fella like you" Lou cheers on.

"And if she doesn't dance with you, that's her loss not yours" Dia added trying to get Sam out of his shell.

He looks like he was thinking about it. Then he shakes his head reaching out for a pint saying "I'll just get another drink"

Dia takes the drink for herself whilst pushing Sam towards Rosy in the process, resulting in Rosy taking Sam's hand and continued to dance with him. "Nah this is my pint Sam"

The four of them chuckle to themselves as they watched Rosy and Sam dance together, Sam being as red as a tomato and shy as heck. Very funny because the other Sam they knew, Sam Wilson, was a very loud and confident guy that always bragged about never missing a leg day. But they're in a different world now and the Sam here, was a Gamgee.

"By the way Dia, how's the team? How's Ylustris?" Felina asked.

Ylustris was their fourth friend, the goddess of constellations and princess of Asgard. She had the power to conjure orbs of white light like stars to either hurt or heal. She can also make images out of it and inanimate objects. She had beautiful dark brown hair and light icy blue eyes that would send chills down anyone's spine. She was extremely beautiful and elegant. She had fair skin and a slim figure. She was known to be the mom of their group.

Dia sighed before answering, "Well as of now I wouldn't know but before I left to this world, Tris has distanced herself, went off grid and took a break. I couldn't even contact her. And the team was heartbroken about your disappearance. Dad especially cried about you Lou. I can only imagine how they are now. Especially Ylustris"

"I really hope she's okay. I mean, especially now that the three of us are considered dead to our world. Dia do you have anyway to contact our world?" Lou asked.

Dia shrugged. "If I did we would be home by now. I mean I can still use my phone, Gandalf put it on forever full battery, but I can't contact anyone. Same with you?"

Felina and Lou nodded. Frodo has gone from the table to walk around and meet some guests. He probably figured he wasn't even going to be part of the conversation. The three continue to catch up with each other and converse. Dia told them about how her life was doing as Queen of Erebor and how busy she constantly is. She told them that she and Thorin have twins. The boy being two minuets older than the girl. The two were left at Erebor to look after the kingdom.

"Have you ever tried?" Felina asked Dia.

The Latina raised an eyebrow. "Tried what?"

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