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THEY ran out into the long dark halls of Moria. But the place was no longer deserted. It was swarmed with Orcs and goblins. They carried weapons, wearing armor, and screeched and wailed loudly. They were on the columns, they were on the ceiling, they chased after the Fellowship. The whole place was now riddled with them like a bacteria spreading out and harming an organism.

The Fellowship moved as quickly as they can. The ones up at front turned every once in a while to make sure the ones at the back were still there. The ones at the back tried their best to keep up. The adrenaline pumped through their veins and the fear that crept into them made their hearts beat wildly almost jumping out of their chest. They made no sound but the sound of their heavy breaths and their legs were burning from running for who knows how long, still they never stopped.

Soon there were too many of their enemies. The Orcs made a circle around them trapping them in a dangerous bubble. They closed in on them closer and closer and the Fellowship gathered in a circle of their own, back to back with each other, facing outward. The Orcs pushed them in closer and threatened them with their weapons. They were stuck in a tight spot. They had nowhere to go. That was until a deep rumble like thunder sounded from the distance. There appeared an eerie hot red light with a dark shadow creeping its way onto the walls.

The Orcs turned and saw this and were frightened. They ran like scared dogs with their tails between their legs. They screeched in terror and went away as fast as they could. They had all disappeared and the bright red light shined brighter and the low rumbles became more distinct as savage roars. The shadow continued to grow and creep on them. Just because it got rid of the Orcs doesn't mean it was their friend. Oh no. There's always a bigger fish in the ocean.

"What is this new devilry?" Boromir whispered.

"A Balrog. A demon of the ancient world" Gandalf said with his tone grave and serious. "This foe is beyond any of you. Run!" Gandalf shouted at them. They didn't hesitate to follow as the Gray Wizard. They ran and ran and ran like their lives depended on it. It did. Death was hot on their tails. They continued their down the hallways and soon came upon a dark, torch lit room. A few feet from the entrance was a staircase that had been cut short, probably been broken apart. Boromir doesn't anticipate this and in his speed struggles to slow down. His momentum almost made him fall over but Legolas caught him in time making them both fall backwards. In the process, Boromir let go of the torch he was holding.

"Lead them on Aragorn. The bridge is near" Gandalf tells him. Aragorn hesitates for a moment then Gandalf pushed him. "Do as I say! Swords are of no more use here!"

"Gandalf I can help you!" Felina tries to convince him. He shakes his head violently and said "No you cannot my dear. The Balrog would over power you by size and by strength. Not only that, because it is of the dark, it would weaken you"

"But-" Felina protested.

"No! Listen to me! Let me handle it myself" Gandalf cut her off with a stern voice. Felina hesitates but later slowly nods her head.

They quickly took the stairs going down to their right and it let to a thin cemented bridge that had been disconnected into two parts.

When they reached the part where the bridge had been cut, Legolas and Felina jumped over to the other side and turned around to help catch the others that would jump. "Gandalf!" Legolas called to him to jump first. Gandalf jumps and Legolas and Felina catch him so he wouldn't stumble. At the same moment, arrows could be heard sailing fast through the air. But the archers had terrible aim as they missed three times. The third time, they cut close almost hitting Merry and Pippin at their feet. The Hobbits reflexively moved a bit backward to dodge it.

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