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EVERYONE started to grow more anxious as the noise came nearer and nearer. They shared a glance looking to each other in panic. Sam's eyes land on Frodo's sword. "Mr. Frodo" he said. Frodo pulled his sword out. It was glowing bright blue.

"Orcs" Felina and Legolas said at the same time making them glance at each other. Boromir runs to the door and takes a peek on their upcoming enemies. He dodges just in time before the arrows could hit him. He turns back to them and shouts to the Hobbits "Get back! And stay close to Gandalf!" The Hobbits form a huddle at the back corner of the room with Gandalf in front of them, shielding them from whatever there was to come.

Boromir, Aragorn, and Lou push the tall heavy doors with all their strength slamming it shut. Boromir thought it would be the best time for a sarcastic comment.

"They have a cave troll" he said nodding to Lou and Aragorn with a fake smile on his face. Apparently Lou thought it was the best time to be sarcastic as well.

"Oh joy! This should be fun!" She replied feigning happiness. Legolas and Felina throw them things to block the door with and Felina even threw a big chunk of stone to block the door with her telekinesis. Lou, Aragorn, and Boromir dodged in time before the rock would crush them. Lou raised her hands up to Felina as if to say "Dude!"

Felina merely shrugs. Gandalf and the Hobbits drew their swords. The barricade they've created wont hold their foes for very long. Seeing as  they've blocked their door quite enough, they gather in front of the tomb with Gimli standing on top of it. The dwarf let out a war cry and said "Let them come! There is one dwarf yet in Moria who still draws breath!"

He was definitely ready to avenge his fallen people. Aragorn, Lou, and Boromir draw their swords and Felina and Legolas readied their bow and arrow. Their enemy banged on the wooden door violently, hacking into it with their weapons. They successfully created a hole through the door allowing the Fellowship to get a glimpse of them. They were great in number. They continued to hack into the door making their chances of breaking in higher.

As the hole got bigger, Legolas and Felina had enough space to shoot them with their arrows. They knew the arrow hit its mark when they heard a shriek of pain almost synonymous to that of a pig being sacrificed. Soon, they created a big crack on the door, completely fractured it and rushed in like a hive of bees, pushing aside the big rock, discarding it to the side. Legolas and Felina shot many of them before they got too close but still they advanced. Lou, Aragorn, and Boromir struck many down with their blade and they made sure that they wouldn't get too close to Gandalf and the Hobbits. They wanted to maintain their position as much as they can. Soon they were too much to handle and Gandalf charged with the Hobbits following closely behind him with a battle cry, facing their foes bravely.

The situation didn't get any better when a big cave troll with a chain on its neck, stormed in breaking the stone at the top of the doors since it was too big to enter, throwing the debris everywhere and roaring loudly. It even carried a giant hammer. It was like the Hulk but not green, stumbles around like a drunken idiot, has less sense, and smashed every thing in sight with a hammer. Lou groaned once she saw it "Oh come on! What the actual fu-"

Felina stopped her short. "Language!" She shouted over the noise before going to shoot down another Orc. Lou rolls her eyes and groans once more before cutting an Orc down to size swiftly moving her blade across its body.

Legolas shot the cave troll by its shoulder, and though that wasn't enough to stop it, it roars in anger. It spots Sam below and goes to pulverize him but misses as Sam runs below it, between its legs. The troll turns behind him and finds Sam trapped in a corner. The Hobbit kept going backward trying to avoid the troll but there was nowhere to turn. The troll was about to step on Sam when Aragorn, Lou, and Boromir pulled it by its chain drawing its attention to them.

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