3: She Became Anbu

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Timeskip ~ After ninja world war ... Minato became hokage, they all grew up...

" Hasaki Yuki. " kakashi stood in front of her . " Just cos you use this transformation , doesn't mean you can hide from me. "

Yuki : hehe. Sshhh... Don't tell. They won't know where to look. Only you know.

Kakashi: using your cousin's look everytime you try to hide from your teammates will backfire one day

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Kakashi: using your cousin's look everytime you try to hide from your teammates will backfire one day.

Yuki : sshh... It's still working now. After all, not a lot of people remember my cousin's face. She was still a kid then, and now dead.

Kakashi: we're anbu. Not supposed to be ducking duties.

Yuki ; sshh... The mushrooms here are so good. Minato sensei wouldn't let me off. Do you know how many barrier seals I've to repair every week ?

Kakashi: sounds like a lot .

Yuki : can't people not let the barrier get destroyed after attackers come ? Like , don't let the barriers get destroyed be a signal. It's tiring. I don't like it. And it's boring.

" Taichou. You're here ! "

Kakashi: genji. What the matter?

Genji : mission. And... I can't find Yuki.

Kakashi: Yuki. We have to go.

Yuki poofs back to her original self " last few sticks. "

Genji ;  Oh

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Genji ;  Oh. Yuki senpai.

Yuki : want a stick ?

Kakashi: your distraction won't work. Hurry and finish it.

Genji ; no thanks.

Yuki : maybe I should just tell minato sensei that I just want to be a regular chunnin. Then he won't try to push me up for more responsibilities.

Kakashi: I've never heard of someone who wanted to downgrade on their rank. Except you.

Yuki : minato sensei keeps trying to make me an anbu taichou. I don't want. I like it now. Under you.

Kakashi sighs " you and your not wantingness of responsibility. "

Yuki : I like being a nerd. And freedom. And mushrooms. Hehe.

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