Fake friend

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Do u think I am fool to fall in her trap? It's just that I am letting her to do things so that I can give her a hit at the right moment. Let the time come so that I can show her what actually you mean by a friend-   oh sorry please correct this....A FAKE FRIEND.

(3rd person pov)

The new academic year had started a few days ago. The whole college was a bit confused with the behavior of the two brats of the college. Daehee and Hinsu who always used to seek moments to take revenges from ahrae were now being friendly with Her and her friends. They both agreed to what ahrea said In the class for the better unity. Most of the students even though that these both have changed through these entire break. But nobody knew about their plans behind their changed behavior. Ahrae didn't even bothered to inspect or bothered to look at the situation... It was just that she was totally unaware about this situation.  today when all were in the cafeteria eating their food Daehee and Hinsu came in and called everyone to grab attention.

Daehee : hello everyone.

All : ....

Daehee: OK.. As u all know that the relationship between me and ahrae is not that good and I am the only reason for this. I thought of this throughout the whole break and got to know that it's my fault and here I am to make all the things proper. (smile)

All the students looked at ahrae who was currently processing through the situation. Daehee than came to their table and made ahrae stand then took her infront of everyone.

Daehee : ahrae, I would like to say this infront of everyone that I am really sorry for whatever I did. Please forgive me and let's be friends.

All the students signalled ahrae not to agree with it because they new this was something related to her shitty plans. Ahrae smiled at her.

Ahrae : it's OK, I understand.... And I accept your apology.

Both hugged each other as ahrae's face clearly showed that if was the fake smile. As soon as this drama for over Daehee and Hinsu left the cafeteria. When the finally left all started bombarding on ahrae.

Girl 1: ahrae,  what happened to u?  Why are u so blind for such things?

Boy 1 : yeah, can't u see her evil plan Behind this?

Jimin : they are right ....why did you did this.

Ahrae : do u think I am fool to fall in her trap? It's just that I am letting her to do things so that I can give her a hit at the right moment. Let the time come so that I can show her what actually you mean by a friend-  oh sorry please correct this.....A FAKE FRIEND (cold glares)

After this day Daehee always comes to her and act really friendly and helpful. Ahrae and other students didn't actually paid attention and this is were ahrae made a big mistake.

Hinsu : hey Daehee.... I still didn't understood what is going in ur mind

Daehee : what do you mean?

Hinsu : than friendship... Helping ahrae, being all friendly and helpful....helping other students... What is this?
I think we Purposely made our transfer to this college to take revenge from ahrae and now u are going off track.

Daehee : my dear Hinsu... U are so innocent. U still don't know me that properly.

Hinsu : what are you trying to say?

Daehee : do u think that I am good and especially for that ahrae.... Huh?  Damn this is all just the part of my plan baby. I will go such things to gain ahrae's trust.

Hinsu : but I think she already trusts u

Daehee : no.. She is too clever for us. Her mind works more than we think... She has not caught in our trap properly... It will take time and when the right moment comes I will start attacking her.

Hinsu : but how?

Daehee : ofcouse.... We will drag taehyung in this.... Ahrae and taehyung has a close bonding and as u know I like taehyung so much that u can't even imagine. So to give this plan a final touch taehyung will be helping us.

Hinsu : do u think he will listen to u? Like he is never gonna do this.

Daehee : I will bring him such a situation that he will have to agree with me......and u wait and watch how I will destroy ahrae and her whole life. (smirk)


Author Nim : hello everyone... I would not be able to update other chapter properly during this whole month because of our school projects and exams are coming near. But I will make sure that as soon as I complete I will start updating as many as I can. And I hope u all like this book. Please do cooperate with me. I am really sorry once again.

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