A Day Without Phone

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(ahrae's pov)

R.I.P to my dear phone... I hope taehyung don't misunderstand the sudden end of call. I quickly took shower, changed into pj's and then laid down on the bed and started at the ceiling... I don't know but it was boring and annoying because my room was filled with silence.. If my phone would be there with me it would be ringing now with messages, calls or I would be playing games but now... I was just laying down and doing nothing. I took the remote and onned the TV... Well.... As expected I don't watch much k-drama and movies so it was boring. I offed the TV and went downstairs so that I would go and sit in the garden but I saw dad sitting in the living room and staring at the wall where our family photo were hanging...well, that was pretty unexpected because dad usually comes home late but today he was early than I saw Lisa roaming outside in the garden . I went down and sat beside dad.

Me : hi dad, how are you ?

Dad : I am totally fine... How are u and ur collage life?

Me : well.. I am fine and collage life..

When I was thinking of collage life the kissing scenes of taehyung and mine, running in the corridor of college, hiding behind the book shelf in the library were coming in my site but those thoughts were interrupted when dad shouted in front of me.

Dad : what happened? U spaced out... Is everything alright?

Me : yeah, in college we are preparing for farewell right now...

Dad : oh yeah, u are going to give farewell to ur brother right?

Me : yeah and u know what we have arranged ball dance

Dad : is it? With whom are u and Jimin going with?

Me : well...jimin oppa is going with Sara ofcouse and I am going with-

Dad : taehyung?

Me : nope... Hinsu

Dad : what? I thought you and taehyung would go together...

Me : no dad, he is going with Daehee. Anyways what were u thinking dad before I came...

Dad : I was thinking about our family..a complete family. Ur mom, ur brother, me and u. It would be the happiest thing right?

Me : hmm... Dad, do u miss mom?

Dad : ofcouse... There was not even a single day when I didn't remembered ur mom. (smile)

Me : dad... Tell me the love story of u and mom.

Dad : u really want to know... But it's a bit u know indigestible .

Me : OK... I will try to digest it.

Dad : (giggle) ok, I and ur mom met each other because of our parents... Actually our marriage was arranged but it was love at first sight for me... Ur mom didn't actually liked me at first, I had to go through so many challenges to make a small place for me in her heart and I was successful in it. It was a beautiful time with her...all the moments we shared together... I still remember it.

Me : dad... Now do u feel lonely?

Dad : well... Nope, I know she is always around me and she also left two devils behind for me to take care of so I don't feel lonely. Btw why are u asking me these things today, like whenever I see u, u are busy with one or the other thing plus something is missing today.

Me : actually... It my phone which is missing here.

Dad : yeah, where is it?

I told him the whole story and he was expressionless.

"Does destiny wants us to be together " (book 1) Kth ffHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin