Gen Rex Boys Preference

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Rex is 10,000% for Halloween. He frickin' loves that holiday. Though he wouldn't celebrate it too often at Providence because White Knight is such a wet blanket. Usually Six would give him a bag of candy while saying 'Happy Halloween'. So he wants to do everything with you. You guys would watch a halloween movie everyday, most of them were scary so you would probably end up clinging to each other. Well if it's not that scary Rex will try to casually snuggle with you, but you know he's scared when the movie isn't that scary. You tease him about it after the movie though. Some movies are the opposite, you get scared and you snuggle with him., he might tease you about it after depending on what movie it is. Though sometimes the movie is so scary that you'll both end up hugging each other while trying to look away from the movie. He's so excited to try wear every costume for Halloween though that's impossible. He'll go with the coolest couple costume he can find. After you'll make Halloween cookies which will turn into a flour and frosting fight. You'll end up laughing on the floor while your older sibling comes in and gives you their 'wtf' face before walking upstairs to their room. And instead of making jack o'lanterns he would prefer to shoot pumpkins out of his shoulder cannon, you'll just sit there and sweatdrop at your jack o'lantern as he launches pumpkins into the woods like no tomorrow. He'll totally want to get in on that sweet trick or treating. He gets so excited when you go home and he looks at the amount of candy he collected, which was more than normal since you guys had such a cool couple costume. He'll trade candy with you and you'll spend the rest of the night watching Christmas movies on Hallmark while eating your candy.


He likes Halloween, but like all things he likes, he stresses everything to a T. He'll try to plan out every single activity you guys do all the way up leading to the spoopy holiday. He's a little much sometimes but you know he cares, besides you always have Rex to vent to if it gets too irritating for you. Noah'll want you to plan your couple costume way in advance so you don't have to worry about it later on. It would most likely be something cute and old-fashioned for the Halloween Party at that one rich kid's house in your school. Even if you don't know what it is. You'll also go through your highschool's 'haunted house' which isn't that scary but it's practically become a tradition with you two now.. And when you decorate your jack o'lanterns Noah would either do a classic face or carve in a pun of some kind, but let's be honest you would do the same damn thing. Noah isn't one to trick or treat, he finds it too 'childish' but what you don't know is he buys the candy way in advance before the prices go up so after the party you would probably cuddle on the couch and feed each other candy while watching 'scary movies that aren't actually scary unless your five' So all in all, while he can be annoying sometimes, you have a fun Halloween with Noah.

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