Marvel's Spidey Girl Preferences

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I'm not completely caught up so here are the characters I know


Gwen would go to your house for Thanksgiving, she's really polite with your family and tries to compliment every food your Grandma puts on the table. Which means she has to try every food. But she won't touch the rabbit that your family prepared for some weird reason this year, but to be honest, you don't either. She doesn't really watch or play football so while you're getting bruises and mud all over you by playing football she's making a list of all the stuff she needs for Cyber Monday. Because doing Black Friday, in New York, only crazy people do that. And New York has enough of them. You also do Cyber Monday too because even you have that much sense as well.


Anya, like Gwen tries to eat every food at the table, but unlike Gwen she's more of a conversationalist and has a lot of different opinions. All of them make good conversation and she gets along really well with your family. Who find her very entertaining as well as charismatic, though they'll soon find that she's also very brutal when they play football. The only people she doesn't bruise up is your grandparents and younger siblings and/or cousins. She's also really intense so you try to flatter her before the game so she could take it easy on you. It doesn't work tho and you sit on the couch stomach down and whine about your bruises as she does Cyber Monday. You do too, just on your portable laptop while there are bags of peas on your back.

Black Cat-

She steals everything for Thanksgiving dinner. Turkeys, pre-made sweet potatoes, you name it she can steal it. She knows the best places to steal the best stuff. She also does the same thing on Black Friday fulfilling your list and hers. You don't mind her stealing, just as long as it's straight from the retailers. She reassures you it was straight from them and you see that it is essentially mint in package. So you let it go.

Keemia (Sand-girl)-

Like Black Cat, she steals everything for Thanksgiving dinner. Hammerhead only pays her so much and she really, really wants to beat up Spider-man again. Though she doesn't encounter the red and blue hero which kinda makes her mad, but not mad enough to take it out on you during your one on one football match. She also steals everything from the stores too because why the hell not? Though she does make sure to get Hammerhead's cut on what she stole. But other than stealing stuff she actually does crack a smile when you guys hang out.

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