Gen Rex Boys Preference

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Rex loves Valentine's Day and he has everything planned, though he had to pull a few strings first. He's super romantic and will constantly say things in spanish because he knows how much you love it when he speaks spanish. First he'll take you to a nice little restaurant that's actually kinda fancy, you guys would talk and laugh like you normally do but there's a lot more flirting involved than normal. You try to be cunning and cool with your flirting but all it takes is Rex saying one pickup line to make you all flustered and awkward. Rex would probably get you something nice, like a jacket like his or goggles so you could match and be coupley together, it's either that or those couple shirts that ppl wear together. You would prolly get him something that he wanted for awhile, like a videogame or a new basketball because he popped his other one with a gift card to a sports store, just in case.


Noah really looks forward to Valentine's Day and genuinely wants to spend it with you, but as usual he over thinks everything and if you so much put a toe away from the plan he freaks out. It's even worse because you don't know the plan. But Noah really is sweet on Valentine's Day, once he gets over the awkwardness and realization that he has a date on Valentine's Day and isn't single for once. He'll take you to a place you both like but only went to once so it's special and once you leave you'll go to see a movie (prolly horror tbh) then you'll convince him to play lasertag, which is always fun even if you're in a dress. He'll get you some really expensive art stuff that you've always wanted, you really appreciate it and can't wait to use it, but you got him a new jacket because he always talks about how his old one is worn out and that he needs a new one. He honestly thinks it's too much but you insist that it's fine.

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