Mystic Messenger Boys Preference

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707 both loves and hates New Years, on one hand it gives him an excuse to stay up at ungodly hours without inflicting your wrath, but on the other...he has to stay at a party with people during those ungodly hours when he could be working. 707 brings all of his lucky charms, all of them. He tries to include his computer as a lucky charm but you aren't buying it so he's forced to leave his computer at your place. Of course 707 only drinks Ph D. Pepper and that's what he'll drink on New Years too. His New Years Resolution is to become a better hacker, which is his New Years Resolution every year. You're the one to kiss him and it's usually on the cheek/ jaw area since he's taller than you. As soon as New Years hits he'll be begging to go home but you have to stay and clean up after the guests leave so you end up goofing off while you clean before heading home.


Yoosung loves New Years, he loves the fireworks, the new beginnings, the parties you throw, everything. He keeps a very wary eye on typical superstitions because he believes they're the most powerful on the New Year. He's the guy who drinks orange juice and pretends it's a mamosa just to be more of an adult. Everyone knows he's lying but nobody calls him out because how can you say no to that face!? His New Years resolution is to be a better student and boyfriend to you, which is honestly really sweet of him. He'll kiss you on the cheek or something and you will be very red, very fast. He'll happily help you clean up after all the guests are gone before carrying you home bridal-style because apparently that's what better boyfriends do.


Zen loves New Years for multiple reasons, one of those reasons being that year after year he gets invited to perform at the New Years Eve balldrop in America. He almost always goes and you come with him so he has moral support as he goes to sing one of his songs from his most popular play of that year. The crowd loves him and it's amazing watching him come alive on stage. And after his performance you don't care if the ball is going to drop or not because you'll run up there, tackle him in a hug and kiss him while everyone's catcalling and cheering for you two. Zen's so surprised and the camera will automatically turn to you two when the ball drops to show footage of you kissing again.

Jumin Han-

Jumin doesn't really like New Years, since most of his company takes off for the New Years holiday. Though he gets to go to the party you worked so hard on so it's somewhat enjoyable. He doesn't believe in superstitions either so don't expect anything from him in that area. Jumin's classy, so he'll be drinking champagne but watches himself so he only gets the slightest bit tipsy. His resolution is to spend more time with you (since he works all the time) which is sweet of him. Since Jumin's even just a little tipsy he shows more affection so he'll kiss you as soon as it hits New Years. He'll stay with you to talk about stuff and possibly help out, it depends on how tired he is.

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