TDP Girls Preference

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Rayla is like 'wut is St. Patrick's Day, sounds dumb' when she first sees the stuff in the stores, you're just really confused like??? How did you not hear about this??? You get to pinch ppl not wearing green and eat a crapton of chocolate gold coins, like bruh how?? Rayla doesn't really get too much into it because it's a new thing so she wants to participate but she wants to participate cautiously. She thinks the leprechaun traps are stupid because 1. There's no such thing as leprechauns and 2. Why would they leave gold coins if that's what they're protecting in the first place? Rayla just wears about 1% of green, like a bracelet or a hair clip just so you won't pinch her every chance you get, like you did last year. People who don't know Rayla will try to pinch her but will soon realize that it's a bad idea when they get a knife to the throat they're like 'yeah, maybe not'. Rayla will just follow you the whole day and you'll take her to a human St. Patty's day parade and she'll just stand there and maybe get a snack from a nearby vendor. She won't tell you this but her favorite float was the one with a little leprechaun dancing because honestly it was so frickin' stupid. She's too young to drink so she'll just have apple juice and go into pubs and act drunk just to mess with people, which is hilarious.


Claudia thinks St. Patrick's Day is insanely awesome and she is willing to go all the way. She and her brother will buy out all the merch possible from the grocery store and totally forget the groceries. She totally makes leprechaun traps just cause and will use dark magic to make illusions of leprechauns go throughout the homes of little kids, miss the traps and leave chocolate gold coins for them, especially the ones who claim they don't believe in that stuff any more. She will go all out on green and will pinch people who aren't wearing green. You, Claudia, Soren and his s/o will go to watch the parade. Claudia thinks all the floats are cool but her favorite is this one that had way too big of a budget and the shamrock dabbed as soon as it saw Claudia and began doing Orange Justice, so that float automatically became her favorite. Claudia and Soren are too young to drink so you guys just drink green dyed water and claim it is the tears of the leprechauns you were able to trap, but for little kids you said tears of happiness because you were able to make them laugh instead of scarring them for life.


Amaya thinks of St. Patrick's Day as a fun time to be with the family and stuff. She's willing to do and wear whatever you and her nephews want so she'll be totally decked out in green with little touches from each of you and she'll be proud of it. She'll help make leprechaun traps and stuff and when Callum and Ezrin are asleep you guys will make it look like the leprechaun was actually there, Callum knows it's you two but doesn't say anything for Ezrin's sake, poor boi is too precious. Amaya will wear about 70% of green, most of it being stuff you guys want her to wear over her armor. Since Amaya is wearing green nobody dares to pinch her, well Ezrin already did in the morning but that was before she wore green. You guys would totally go see the St.Patrick's Day parade in Katolis with Callum and Ezrin (with Harrow's permission, he totally promised to join you later tho). Your favorite float is the one with lots of dogs and cats, it was for some petfood company but dogs and cats are absolutely adorable! Amaya doesn't really like to choose because they're all pleasant surprises every year, though she enjoys the one that makes you guys the happiest. Amaya doesn't drink alcohol in front of her nephews, but if you were to get a green margarita, she wouldn't mind sharing it with you. You're a total lightweight when it comes to alcohol, unlike Amaya.

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