STVFOE Girls Preference

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Star doesn't understand why you do Thanksgiving, because for her it's a regular Thursday for her, but she's happy to go anyway. Her family finds her really energetic and unique and they frickin' love her, especially your younger side of the family. At first she'll love the football game because, yay violence! But she quickly gets bored and helps your younger cousins and / or siblings build a fort in the other room. You'll find her under a giant, awesome fort that she used her magic to make. She's also really into football, but gets upset when you say she can't use magic she gets all pouty, but enjoys the game anyway. Though some of your family members get scared about her enthusiasm with violence sometimes. And after one of your cousins fumbled the ball and accidentally threw it in someone's face she thinks you have to throw it at another person so it hits them, hard. Though after the second time you pull her aside and explain the actual rules of the game. She'll also use her magic to help you get the things you want on Black Friday, and the things she wants too.


Jackie's family is crazy and cool and you love it. Everyone has their own different style of wheels and you guys all play on her driveway or roundabout with your own unique wheels. Though you just borrow one of Jackie's skateboards and pray not to die. You are by far the most inexperienced but everyone else is really good and you guys don't keep score which makes the game even better. Though at the end you have an 'injury count' and whoever has the most scrapes and bruises wins. It's usually your team because you're always falling off your skateboard and hurting yourself. Though Jackie pats your head abt it later and reassures you that you did a good job while helping you bandage yourself up. You guys don't really do Black Friday or Cyber Monday because your honestly either too busy or too lazy to.


Janna skips Thanksgiving with her family and convinces you to skip too so you could go do well...whatever weird stuff Janna does in her free time. Which is a lot of different weird ritual stuff that you think is pretty cool. Though you would most likely go to a cemetery where some random dude promised to come back on whatever year his death day fell on for when they died on Thanksgiving. It's really cool to hang out and just chat while building a shrine. Like Jackie you don't really do Black Friday or Cyber Monday because you're too lazy.

Fool Duke-

Fool Duke like Star, is really confused on Thanksgiving. For her, it's a regular Tuesday, but if you say it's a special day she'll go b/c it's important to you, she'll go to your family for Thanksgiving. She tells all the jokes she knows and either your family laughs really hard or they don't understand it and give her weird looks as she laughs nervously, but you laugh because you actually understand her jokes and you try to explain through laughs why it's funny because nobody else understands it and they are further confused when you try to explain it. She's really bad at football though, she always manages to get herself hurt somehow. You don't take her Black Friday shopping but when you try to Cyber Monday shop she's too amazed by your computer so you barely get anything done. And while you do get mad at her she uses her jokes and comedy to cheer you up.


Hekapoo finds Thanksgiving absolutely ridiculous and won't even send a clone to go with you. She just doesn't go. Even though you do accept this fact you skip playing football with your family as they happily give you all the fresh leftovers and you bust open Heckapoo's home and you're all like 'Heckapoo you're tryin' Thanksgiving!' she really looks like she wants to kill you, but you brought her free food so she's less furious at you. But you use your pure cheeriness and optimism to convince her to try every food as you tell her about the football you and your family play. She hesitantly agrees to play football on one condition, she can make her own team of clones. You agree and when she gets to your world and meets your family they figure out her weakness of the clones quickly and while she passes it off as annoyance she kinda finds your family cool and smart, then she asks you to tell her more about Christmas and whether or not you would see your family. She does use her clones to aid you in Black Friday shopping, though it really freaks people out you're still super grateful.


Kelly brings so many very real, very sharp swords to Thanksgiving in a duffel without telling you. You panic because you have young children and you don't want them to die but she reassures you she'll just teach them the proper safety procedures and even has some practice swords. And she's so enthusiastic about it that your family kinda cancels the football game and while the older children who have no interest in swords play football Kelly is teaching the little kids how to swordfight with worried parents watching from the steps. Though as time goes on they suddenly trust her so while your family plays football the next generation is learning how to sword fight and it kinda becomes a tradition. And Kelly insists on going Black Friday shopping when you show her past news reports of Black Friday to try to scare her out of it. But it has the opposite effect and she ends up dragging you to Black Friday sales. Everyone gets scared of her quick and she gets you everything you need/ want and her own stuff too. There's no need for Cyber Monday but you may order a thing or two just in case.

Pony Head (I'm sorry but I think she's a good character)-

Pony Head is so sassy it's not even funny, which is both of a good and bad thing b/c she calls out the annoying members of your family, but she also sometimes gets put into her place by other members who've had too much of her attitude. Though she is kinda good at football (she basically has a giant sword on her head so she scares everyone out of her path with that), she isn't allowed to fly above shoulder-length of the tallest member of your family. Just to make things fair, she reluctantly agrees and actually has a pretty good time. She brags to everyone she knows about what she did playing human football and you know she really likes it. She also doesn't like Black Friday and would much rather do Cyber Monday, if she's in the mood for it. If she isn't she's like 'nope sorry, got uh, royal things to do bye!' and you could totally hear Bounce Lounge music in the background but ignore it and you don't take it personally because you know that's the way Pony Head is, like all the time.

Princess Spiderbite-

She sneaks out in order to go to Thanksgiving with your family. They think she's really cool, Spiderbites and all. She tries to play football but fails miserably and often ends up in the mud more often than not, at first she complains about the scratches she gets but then sees you not complaining while getting hit much worse so she stops complaining and tries to be better and gives an effort, but it doesn't work out exactly the way she wants, but she focuses more on having fun than winning. Though when she gets back to her castle she gets grounded by her parents so she can't go Black Friday or Cyber Monday shopping with you. She can't wait to rule so she can hang out with you more during the holidays

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