Marvel's Spidey Boys Preference

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Peter's always been a hopeless romantic, but now he finally gets to use his dozens of plans that he made on the unlikely occassion that he gets his own girlfriend over Valentine's Day. He even has some money that he's saved just for this, though while he's wanted to give it to Aunt May several times because what are the chances of him getting a girlfriend? Aunt May refuses him every time and he's kinda glad because he gets to take you out for the whole day. First you two will go bowling, there's a special of three games for half the price for couples. It's really fun, especially since it's one of those bowling alleys that turns dark and it's rlly cool. You'll play there until you finish all three games before he takes you to this little ice cream place that you've never noticed before (he saw it while swinging through the city one day and just knew that you would love it, you do). After the cafe you'll walk around in the park together hand-in-hand. Every five minutes Peter is kissing you somewhere, whether it be the knuckles of your intertwined hand, your cheek, the top of your head, your forehead or your lips. You'll probably do the same thing to though. You guys have been single for a long time, so you both still can't believe that you're in a relationship together. Peter honestly didn't know what to get you so he got you a gift card to your favorite art store. You really like it tho and will either go that very day or the next day. You honestly didn't know what to get Peter either so you made this super cute picture of him


Harry doesn't mind Valentine's Day, usually it's a regular day for him, but with more pink everywhere. You're so excited for Valentine's Day though, and Harry's determined to make it the best one for you, ever. He'll take you out to this really fancy restaurant and then you'll probably do something goofy in your super expensive clothes (he got you the dress a few days ago), so you'll most likely go to a rollerblading rink and rollerblade and act like dorks the whole time. After that you'll wrap it up by taking a nice evening stroll in a park or somewhere with an amazing view. Harry would most likely make you this really cool tech for you to use, like a holographic program that easily goes onto your computer so you can project your drawings 3D or something. You feel like yours is less cool, but Harry still loves it anyway, you made him a matching scarf, hat and gloves using your knitting skills (b/c you took up knitting recently and love it), Harry's certaintly grateful, especially since your stuff is so much warmer than some of his other stuff, besides now he can't forget this stuff because you made it for him.


Miles isn't the biggest fan of Valentine's Day but you can't tell if it's because he used to be a bitter single or if it's something else. You're alright with the holiday, you don't particularly love it but you don't hate it either. Miles is kinda nervous because he's never had a girlfriend before and goes for the classic approach to Valentine's Day, you do like cliches after all. So he'll show up at your house with flowers and chocolate before taking you out to lunch and a movie before you both play videogames at your house. You don't mind the simplicity, you're just glad you get to spend time with Miles that's more than five minutes before he mysteriously disappears with some lame excuse. The box of chocolates may be his gift on Valentine's Day but the day after he'll get you a crap ton of more candy because of discounted Valentine's Day candy. You didn't know what to get him so you got him a gift card to Starbucks because he likes to call that 'high-end coffee' jokingly, but there is one close to Horizon so you know he'll use it when he has to work late.

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