ATLA Girls Preference

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Katara kinda thinks that St. Patrick's Day is stupid but is willing to celebrate it anyway with you. She won't go that far though, maybe she'll wear a barrette or two, maybe a bracelet here. She doesn't think it's a good idea to make a leprechaun trap because you're kinda on the run, though you make a portable one with Aang. Her percentage of green is around 15% because of the bracelets and barretes she wears. You guys don't really go anywhere but you can make out a parade in the distance and you sing really badly to the music, but Sokka joins you so it's ok.


Toph is all for St.Patrick's Day and does everything extra. She's willing to go all the way and trusts you with facepaint but she'll ask Sokka how it looks to make sure it doesn't look bad and if it does then you'll definitely get beat up. She'll try to make a leprechaun trap out of the earth but it doesn't turn out quite right, but you say that it looks good anyway just so that way she's happy and thinks she did a good job. Your leprechaun trap also doubles as a pebble launcher and it has saved you quite a few times. Toph's percentage of green is about 98% if you include the earth nation clothes she's always wearing. Katara won't let you guys go to a parade so you just stay in and try to make your own parade, which is all well and good. It's actually a lot of fun.

Ty Lee-

Ty Lee likes St.Patrick's Day but refuses to change her clothes because one of her sisters wears green. She might wear a tiara or something to try to make it up to you though. Azula thinks leprechaun traps are stupid but you guys make one anyway. It's not like anyone's hunting you so it's totally fine. Ty Lee's percentage of green is a good 60% since she does wear other stuff on top of her clothes. You do manage to convince Azula to stop at a nearby St. Patrick's Day parade and all you're allowed to do is watch the going ons and not participate or else you'll get Azula's wrath, you still wave to the floats and shout out actions to some of the characters like 'Leprechaun! Dab!', 'Do the floss!', 'Come on Shamrock, I know you can do Orange Justice!' stuff like that. You don't have a favorite float but you do have a favorite memory of one of the characters doing something specific.


Mai doesn't care for St. Patrick's Day, like at all, she refuses to participate in anything. She'll go with you but she'll be moody the whole time, but if you get her something she might just wear it. Someone will try to pinch her but once they see her knives they don't even try. You'll just watch the floats and Mai will give you sarcastic comments about all of them and critique the design in her sarcastic way, which will make you try not to snort because her comments are 100% true.


Suki thinks St. Patrick's Day is a fun time. She won't go too far but she's willing to wear face paint and try to find a four leafed clover with you. Leprechaun Traps are also really fun, especially when you actually get Sokka's finger in the trap because he was trying to get your chocolate but failed. Her percentage of green would prolly be form 60%-70% because she's willing to go far but not all the way. You guys try to see the parade from the trees and make comments on the floats together and joke about stuff. 

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