Ass Class Boys Preference

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Nagisa likes how happy and carefree everyone can get around Christmas, especially on vacation. He has a hard time coming up with gifts, but Koro-sensei gives everyone a detailed list of what they should get everyone including family members and keeping in mind of budgets. It's really helpful and whatever you don't get on Black Friday you go to the mall and get your stuff together. He wears Christmas elastics instead of his regular elastics for his hair and you always sneak Reindeer antlers on his head somehow and it's a different way every day. Nagisa's mom usually decorates the tree and he doesn't complain. So it's a nice change to put the ornaments where he wants at your house. You give him advice on where to put the heavier ornaments vs. the lighter ones and your family is super chill about decorating the tree. His favorite Christmas activity is sitting with you on the stoop, a nice cozy blanket draped around your shoulders with a nice mug of hot chocolate, watching the snowfall together. You like to talk about stupid stuff and joke around together but in the end it's really nice and peaceful. Nagisa gets up really early for Christmas and calls you as soon as possible to wish you a Merry Christmas. By force of habit he's careful with opening his gift. And after having Christmas with his Mom and Dad he goes to your house where you exchange presents with each other. Since it takes a long time for him to come over your house after you exchange your gifts you play with them for a little bit before going outside to play in the snow and have a giant snowball fight together.


Karma likes Christmas pranks, like building a snowman in the dead of night with a balloon filled with ketchup and when everyone's outside he shoots it and terrifies all the light weights of your class (including you). He gets people cheap, half-assed gifts and gets the people he hates chocolates laced with poison so his enemies are hugging the toilet for three weeks. You always get nervous when he buys you chocolate, but it's never poisoned. He'll never admit this to anyone but he likes to wear an ugly Christmas sweater around the house. You caught him once and he made you swear to tell no one. Karma has no particular way of decorating the tree but he does want certain ornaments in certain places, not that you minded. His favorite Christmas activity (besides scarring small children) is actually bobsledding. He loves living on the edge and somehow convinces you to try it. You're so scared but it's such a rush that you guys end up doing it over and over again every weekend. Karma wakes up very late on Christmas so you're usually the one to call him and wish him a merry Christmas. And since you guys are at different Christmases it takes forever to finally see each other and exchange gifts. Karma is very enthusiastic about tearing the wrapping paper and you swear no matter what you get him, even if it was a smelly pair of socks he would peck your lips in gratitude. Which makes you blush every time. But for the rest of Christmas day you guys stay inside and hang out together while trying to keep him away from the younger generations of your family and writers of your family because you don't want him to give them any ideas.


Asano likes decorating his house and your house so extravagantly that your houses are the best on the block. He has one reason and one reason only to do this, proving he's better than literally everyone. Some of his neighbors are super determined to beat him, some don't care, and some just gave up. His gifts are super expensive yet they're everything people need plus some. He gets the people he cares about (or has to care about ex. His Father) lots of presents. Last Christmas he got you ten presents, one every week and six amazing, expensive presents on Christmas. It was way too much but he wouldn't take them back no matter what you said. Asano wears Christmas ties to school every day and everyone notices but when questioned he acts like they're crazy and is like 'I would never wear such drab trash' or something like that and moves on with his life. Asano is super precise about decorating the tree but will take any suggestions you have into account when he plans decorating the tree. Asano actually sneaks into your house with the spare key you gave him and sits under the Christmas tree with a tag that was addressed to you and passes out. It's usually you or your eager younger siblings who woke up extra early or your pet who wakes him up, it doesn't take much to wake him up tho. He's super careful with opening his presents because he's used to the presents being fragile or something. Tho when he sees you and your siblings shaking the box he wonders if he can do the same thing and get away with it. He's hesitant and only does this when he's really curious. Christmas Day you spend cuddling and playing with your presents together. Asano doesn't want to go outside and sure as hell doesn't want you to go outside, but if you beg and plead and give him your puppy eyes he'll go outside with you for thirty minutes. Tho he ends up going out longer than he intended and doesn't want to admit it. He does have a lot of fun tho, even if he doesn't want to admit that either.

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