Mystic Messenger Boys Preference

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707 frickin' loves Halloween. This is literally one of the rare times he actually leaves the apartment to get decorations, candy and pumpkins. He also has a closet full of skeletons that he's just waiting to use for the Halloween party you're planning. He sends you spoopy memes at the most ungodly hours and good luck trying to block his number because he'll just hack into your phone and send you more. He also makes a ton of Halloween puns and jokes. You'll make jack o'lanterns of course, but put those tiny electronic candles inside of them so you don't accidentally set off your apartment's smoke alarm like last year. You would watch Halloween movies with him every once in awhile, but they would usually be scary. So scary you freak each other out and cling to each other for the rest of the movie. He would convince you to go as Honey Buddha chips and Ph D. Pepper. You'll go with it because he just looks so cute when begging you to do so, and he looks so happy when you try on the costumes for the first time. It's just so worth the embarrassment from everyone else's well made, tailored costumes and your walmart bought costumes.


Yoosung gets so excited for Halloween. Besides the event on his games he'll ask to do Halloween things with you and you'll let him. You'll bake Halloween cookies and decorate them, but Yoosung would accidentally use too much frosting and you would end up having to either make or buy more depending on your cooking skill level. He'll send you Halloween memes but doesn't understand spoopy, but you get a nice laugh out of them so he'll find as many spoopy memes as possible to show you. You'll usually watch harmless halloween movies but you end up thinking it's a good idea to watch a regular halloween horror and it doesn't end well. For anyone. Yoosung will then be up at three in the morning making like twenty jack o'lanterns so that way the evil spirits from the movie can't attack you in real life. You actually might end up joining him because you got so scared. You two would totally squeeze in some trick or treating before attending the Halloween Party at the time you planned it to be. You would probably cosplay as your avatars from the game tho.


Zen doesn't really have time for Halloween but enjoys the memes you send him every once inawhile. He'll try to make time through his busy acting schedule to hang out with you and do regular Halloween things.Which sometimes works out. Like you get to make cookies together but it always somehow ends up in becoming a flour war. He'll also be able to make a small jack o'lantern with you. He'll also try to make as many Halloween puns as possible but sometimes it doesn't work out as well as he hoped but you still laugh and you do appreciate the effort. But you don't get to watch Halloween movies together but he makes it up by watching almost every single Christmas movie with you. You'll probably go as a couple that he acted as in one of his plays. He was able to pull a few strings to get the actual costumes worn by him and his co-star for that play. You're the 'it' couple for the Halloween party you planned and everyone's eyes are on you two as you dance the night away.

Jumin Han-

He likes Halloween, but doesn't celebrate it like you do. Cookies? Let's get a five star chef to make them. Jack o'lanterns? Let's buy the biggest pumpkin ever and have a sculptor carve it out and put it on the front lawn. Halloween movies? Go to the theater room and see them instead of on the couch. Costumes? Let's get them custom made with tailors coming to the house and everything. You think it's a little much but Jumin reassures you it's fine. Though he does notice something's bothering you and when you tell him how you and your family celebrate Halloween he calls Jahee as soon as your done to cancel everything he has the next day so he can spend Halloween with you the way you normally do. You'll go out in the morning and pick out your own pumpkins. Jumin isn't too much of a fan of this and freaks out everytime he touches the dirt on the pumpkins he's looking at getting which makes you laugh. After getting your pumpkins you go home and carve them, making sure Elizabeth doesn't get to the guts. You'll put your two tiny pumpkins next to the giant one and you call it a pumpkin family. You'll make cookies which is also really fun because Jumin cringes whenever you dip your fingers into the batter to try it after your done mixing all the ingredients, which only makes you want to do it more. After baking the cookies and cleaning everything you'll curl up on the couch and watch The Nightmare Before Christmas on the regular T.V with Elizabeth sitting in your lap. You guys would probably go as the main couple in the Phantom of the Opera and everyone would be amazed at how cool and cute you guys look.

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