Blend-S Girls Preference

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Despite the sadistic look Maika gets in her eyes, your family loves her. They think she's really sweet, though your younger cousins and/ or siblings find her scary. She also doesn't really understand football and asks you questions about it, or tries to over the shouting. You sometimes hear her but sometimes you don't. That's when she gets upset with you and you have to apologize. It usually just takes your puppy eyes for her to forgive you. And with football she would much rather watch on the sidelines. She doesn't really like hurting people. That's the same for Black Friday, she thinks it's way too crazy and doesn't want to punch someone over perfume. Plus she's trying to save up for going to a foreign country. So you usually go by yourself and end up getting a ton of bruises, when she sees you like this she'll give you ice packs and a mug of hot chocolate as you retell the events of the day. Though she gets all her christmas shopping done on Cyber Monday and you usually hang out with her to comfort her in case if she didn't get the things she wanted.


Hinata brings her videogames with her because she doesn't understand football and you've already talked about how you're family is super into football. So at actual Thanksgiving dinner she's super polite and talks about a lot of different stuff. Then when you watch the football game while she plays her video games and believe it or not some of your younger cousins and/ or siblings find her a legend from how high her stats are and watch over her shoulder. They even do this when your family plays football. Until she plays, she isn't that good but she does have a good time. Hinata, like Maika would much rather do Cyber Monday than Black Friday and you kinda agree with her. So you both online shop together and you usually get all or most of what was on your list.


Mafuyu does often get questioned about her height and if she really was an adult, but other than the confirmation that she's older than she looks she kinda enjoys your family. She's surprisingly into football and not only does she get super into the game on T.V, but she also really likes playing the sport too. Because she's so short and fast she's actually really good at football. It's also the reason she's so good at Black Friday sales. She comes out with a few bruises and everything on your list while you get out with like 90% of the stuff on your list and get the other 10% from Cyber Monday. And while you're trying to find the items you need Mafuyu calls you 'weak' while nonchalantly sipping her hot cocoa


Amano loves how lively your family is and Thanksgiving with your family sometimes inspires her manga writing. She usually brings a notebook and either doodles or writes down plot ideas for her next manga. Your family members find her super creative, though they've never read her work they still think she's really cool. She writes a lot during the football game you watch and asks questions about certain things in case if she ever decides to write a high-school romance that involves a football game. She also plays the game in order to get experience of what it's like so it'll be more realistic to write. And while she isn't the best at it. She does have fun and write down her experiences on her notepad. And she also uses her computer on Cyber Monday to get everything she needs plus extra and you two kinda sit next to each other while shopping on Cyber Monday. It's still really fun tho.


Aika's family is more chill than your family. So you're most likely to go to her house over Thanksgiving. Her family is really polite and nice, though you don't really play football. You just kinda hang out in the same room and talk. Though sometimes you also do your own things, well you tab all of the gifts you wanna get for Christmas so you have an edge for the Cyber Monday sales. You guys kinda end the night with watching cheesy Christmas movies and talking with each other. Though you're the one to point out all the continuity errors in the movies. And while you're getting those sweet Cyber Monday sales Aika makes treats and makes sure you get plenty of food and hydration unlike last year. You appreciate it a lot though.

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