TDP Girls Preference

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Modern! AU


Rayla, since she's from Xadia, doesn't really understand Thanksgiving. She also doesn't see the point of it. Your whole family gathered around a single table to share a meal? Yeah no thanks. And she also likes to point out all the flaws of the holiday, such as what if two relatives hate each other, then what are you supposed to do? Have two Thanksgivings? And why turkey out of all things? What if you have a vegetarian? Do you have to make a separate meal for them? You (by some miracle) convince her to go to your family's place for Thanksgiving since she wasn't on the best of terms with her parents. She agreed, but acted like a tsun-tsun the whole time and told you she didn't care what your family thought of her. She did. She kinda just sits there the whole time being bored and playing with her 'gross human food' even though it wasn't that gross. She's also really into football so as soon as the T.V is on with the Game she will be on the couch and screaming at the T.V with the rest of the dudes and she'll pout forever if her team doesn't win. Not that you mind, when she pouts she gets super cuddly and her cuddles are amazing. Then when you all play football outside she will absolutely annihilate the other team (a.k.a your family) in order to score a goal. Though she usually joins up with the younger kids and if she isn't on their team she'll go easy on them. Then she's a beast at Black Friday sales, but you opt to stay in the car and be the getaway driver after your first time with Rayla on Black Friday, boy does she get super intense. You've never been afraid of her more.


She loves sharing you funny Thanksgiving and Black Friday memes when you hang out together. And every year you swap who goes to who's house for Thanksgiving. This year she went with you to your family's house. Though she's already friends with your whole family and they really think she's cool. Especially since she's super smart and practices magic. She laughs at literally every joke, even the bad ones and even makes a few of her own. She's also into football but not as much as Rayla. Though at critical moments she'll shout for her favorite team to win and what they should be doing. Not surprising that she knows every single word for the game and uses them perfectly when explaining to your Dad what the teams are doing and stuff. He's both impressed and weirded out by this but doesn't say anything because she always makes the best coffee and cookies to bring over every Thanksgiving. She's cautious in the beginning about hurting your family during football but at the end she is dominating the field and everyone is afraid to play against her from how intense she gets. Especially during Black Friday where she will literally use her dark magic to cheat and get the items she needs, especially if Soren's there with his s/o. You've only been to one Black Friday, because just like Rayla she's scary intense with that too. You would much rather be the getaway driver and Claudia or her smoke wolves just show up with their bounty, open the door, throw it in the back seat or literal back of the car and run back into the mall. Or if it's a store, she'll come in and tell you to drive. Sometimes you think she steals stuff from the small mob that follows you for like, a mile but then you remember that one time where she realized she stole a candy bar because she forgot to pay for it when she got home but instead of keeping it she went back to the store and paid for it like nice person she is.


Like Claudia you switch to going to each other's Thanksgivings every year. This year it was at the castle with her and her family. So basically, King Harrow, Ezrin, Callum, Viren, and occasionally Soren and Claudia, depending on if they're single or not. Oh and Lieutenant Gren is there too, to translate for everyone, though you do know sign language to a degree around Gren's but it's the super specific details of sign language you're lost in. When you watch the game she just grunts really loudly, probably not realizing it because of her deafness and how much she's into the game. She also signs really fast and vigorously, so much so you're surprised she hasn't snapped her wrist doing it. It's usually stuff about which players suck the most and how the coaches aren't doing the right plays and she would coach the team much better than they ever could. She's also a merciless beast at football, but she only really goes easy on Callum, Ezrin and sometimes Claudia. She doesn't go easy on you at all, but she does get you ice later for when your bruises start to form. She also apologizes for being so rough on you too. And unlike Claudia and Rayla she's not really into going to black friday and attacking everyone else, she would much rather wait for cyber monday to roll around and she will stay on the computer for hours on end on Amazon trying to get the best deals on stuff for the holidays. You know she can't talk because she's too busy looking at her list and furiously typing on the keyboard, but you leave her little cups of coffee here and there with some food for breakfast lunch and dinner. Which you honestly think is much better than Black Friday, especially after seeing Rayla and Claudia on the news, absolutely annihilating everyone in sight for those deals. You can barely even imagine Amaya in the mix.

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