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The Girl

   Coffee is one of the most refreshing aromas anyone could think of. It has an intoxicating scent, each blend crafted with their own unique aroma. The smell always welcoming and pleasant. Allie loved her job in the cafe, the strong aroma of coffee woke her up every morning when she walked in. Her job was being a simple barista. There was the occasional customer early in the mornings, on their way to their boring office jobs. Since it wasn't ever too busy in the morning, Allie was allowed to sit in the booth near the counter with her books and the coffee of her choice.

   The chime of the bell always signaled the time she'd need to pull herself out of her stories and get behind the counter. Elder customers always receive the young girl in a bubbly mood, few even asking about her books. A small smile always appeared on her face, her eyes lighting up with excitement about being able to share a few things. Of course there were the days were it wasn't books that held her in the booth, but it was her studies.

    Allie was a part timer, balancing between schooling and work. She needed to earn her living like most college student did. It wasn't an easy task for her since she had wished to double her majors but she managed to make it work. Her school life never seems to interfere with her work, customers always seemed to understand when she would look up when the bell chimed. They always waited for the girl to simply finish her writing and move to the counter.

   Regular customers always helped keep the peace in the cafe when newcomers seemed to want to scold her. Always stepping in giving off valid reasons that Allie had her heads in the books during the breaks. One boy always seemed to be the one to silence the rude ones with a look or the occasional 'She'll be with you in a moment, she has a test to prepare for'. He was a regular, always coming in at the same time with a kind smile.


  There was the chime of the bell, pulling the girl away from her romance novel once again. Glancing at her watch on her wrist, she knew exactly who had just presented themselves in the cafe. Sliding out of the booth and fixing her apron, she gracefully made her way behind the counter. 

"The usual?" she asks, her voice a soft chime.

"Yes please, along with an Iced Americano" his voice a low pitch but soft.

   The female nodded and got to work on his order as he took his usual seat near the counter. Being the only to really enter the cafe at the time, it was natural for her to be alone with him. She felt slight comfort being around this man. Humming to herself as she worked, she glanced at her book laying on the table.  

"What type book is it this time?" he casually asked as she worked. The small smile creeping up on her face.

"Romance. A sick girl who can't leave her house who falls in love with a boy who moved next door" She explained as she worked on his order.

"I see, Is it worth the read?" he glanced at what he labeled her booth.

"It is, it's a cute story so far. I can't help but fall in love with the characters." she smiled as she got one coffee done and moved to the next.

"How do you think it'll end?" he tilted his head as he studied her figure from behind.

"Not sure exactly, she can't exactly be with him. Are you expecting someone to join you?" she asks shyly as she glances back at the male. 

"Just a friend, he's not a very big fan of crowds so I figured this would be the best place for us to hang out." he smiled before getting up and walking to the counter for the finished drinks.

"I see, do you need anything else?" she made her way to the register and totaled everything.

"I'll let you know if I think of anything" he slid the money over, slightly grazing her hand with his thumb before taking the drinks to his table. 

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