requests | open

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hey everyone! so, i know i've been a bit slow on updating here. so, in order to motivate myself to update more, i've decided to open requests for now.

this is how it will work, i will be doing at least two a week until christmas (i'll definitely do more if i can). on top of that, i will continue to publish imagines that aren't requested. please, if i post imagines that are requested, still read them. i find your ideas super interesting and i think you would too even if it's not written for you.

now, this is what i will need from you, you can comment or dm me (if i need anything else i will message you):

- name
- pronouns
- age (to know whether we put you in hs or jh)
- boy/girl you would like a story focused on
- idea / plot
- p.o.v you would like this written in (you, i, she/he)

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