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"You wanna explain this to me?" George asked the next morning as Kat entered his kitchen. She didn't say anything, she just sat at his kitchen table and covered her face with her hands.

"Okay. Don't then." He was slightly agitated by her and her reactions. He just wanted to know what was going on.

He sat in the chair opposite her and stared at her while she stared at the table. He wondered what could have set her off so much.

"I told him I was in love with him." She whispered. He didn't say anything for a second, his eyes just widened further and further.

"What did he say?" He finally asked, Kat just shook her head.

"That if I had told him that a few months ago he would've felt the same way." George let out an audible sigh and rubbed his forehead harshly.

"Oh, Matty" he sighed. George didn't believe Matty for one second.

"I made a right tit out of myself." She sighed, he nodded and rested his head in his hands.

"Well, you kind of took everything out on Alice." He reminded her, she let out a moan.

"Ugh, I know I shouldn't have yelled at her but she called me an alcoholic." She bit her lip, reliving the argument over and over again.

Ross had texted George when they had reached home to ask where they had gone and then another one, later on, to say that Matty had slept in a different tent to Alice and was in a foul mood.

"You should probably apologise; even if you don't mean it." He shrugged. "Just to make things not awkward between you." He advised. She nodded.

"Yeah, I can't be ass ed for drama." She rubbed her face. "But it's always going to be awkward with Matty now isn't it?" She sighed. "I've lost him, haven't I?" Her eyes were sad, he shook his head.

"I really doubt it. Matty cares too much about you to let you get away."

"Hello? Anyone home?" Alice's screechy little voice entered the room. They heard the muffled curse words come from the hall and low mumbles which indicated that the boys were home. "Ah, Kat. You look better. Do you wanna have a chat?" She was too perky. Kat was waiting for Matty to walk in but the sounds of many footsteps travelling up the stairs made her realise he wasn't coming.

"Yeah, I need a fag anyway. Let's go outside." George took out a cigarette and passed it to one "You want one?" She offered to Alice. Alice's face looked a sight, she couldn't believe how cool Kat was acting. For once, Alice thought she had the upper hand on her.

"No thanks." She said quietly before following her outside into the cold. Kat lit her cigarette and leant against the wall.

"I'm sorry; by the way." Kat started, Alice's eyes widened at her candour. "About yelling at you yesterday" She finished, placing the cigarette in her mouth and blowing out smoke.

"It's okay. I know it wasn't me. Matty explained about the guy you've been seeing and how he broke up with you over the phone" Kat started to cough loudly as she heard the absolute bullshit that came out of her mouth.

"I mean yeah" She played along, "But you insinuating that I was an alcoholic didn't really help" She pointed out. Alice squeezed her eyes shut.

"Oh, I am so sorry about that. I was so insensitive. I had a boyfriend a couple of years ago who was an alcoholic and oh my, I wouldn't wish that on anyone. The way it affected him and his whole family; not to mention our relationship" She expressed. Kat stared at her.

"Your ex was an alcoholic?" She asked, her voice laced with pity. Alice nodded. "I'm sorry. That must've been so emotionally draining" she put the cigarette back in her mouth and watched Alice be unphased by it.

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