38. the ballad of me and my brain

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A week later, Kat was stood outside of the boys' door with a bottle of red wine in one hand and a bottle of whisky in the other. To her relief, George opened the door. His eyebrows raised immediately at the sight in front of him.

"I would normally hold a grudge a lot longer but I really need to tell you something." The one person she was desperate to talk to about Matty, was George. He knew more than anyone and would know what to do.

"Do you wanna talk about Angie?" He asked, she shook her head vigorously.

"Nope not even a little bit so please don't mention her." She snapped, his eyebrows raised but he stepped back to let her in. She passed him the red wine. "I got this for Matty" She motioned to the whisky. "This is for us." He took the bottles and nodded.

"He's with Alice but I'll give it to him when he gets back." He was acting weird, as if he was the one mad with her.

"Okay. Are the others here?" She asked, looking around. He placed his hand on her back.

"Yeah. Let's go to my room." He pushed her towards the stairs while he ran to the kitchen to get glasses for the drinks.

She sat on his bed while he jogged up the stairs and poured the whisky into the glasses.

"what's up?" He clinked their glasses together and joined her on the bed.

"I think I wanna like...be...like with...um..." she stared at her glass while George stared at her. She downed her whisky and squeezed her face together. "I...um...I like um..."

"Kat, are you having a stroke? What's happening right now?" He scrunched his face in confusion.

"I think I want to be like with...um...Matty." She said quietly, George's eyes widened and he didn't say anything. He necked his whisky and tried to process it.

"Okay." He nodded, "this is a lot for us." He laughed, she couldn't help but smile.

"I know." She joined in. "What do you think?" She bit her lip and watched George pour them another glass.

"You actually want to be in a relationship?" He asked, she folded her lips and nodded. "Wow, this is huge for you." She took in a deep breath.

"I know. First time in like three years and I'm going to get rejected." She sighed, he looked at her and shook his head.

"Obviously I don't know what's going on in Matty's head but like, don't cancel him out." He chose his words carefully, not wanting to insinuate anything that was wrong.

"No. I need to get over him. Sure, I want him but he doesn't want me so i shouldn't waste my time." She assumed, George stared at her.

"Change of heart is about him isn't it?" he questioned, Kat shrugged.

"Partly, you know, the parts about the car and some of the stuff about the girl is about Alice I guess but there's like elements of past relationships and stuff." She explained.

"I'm kind of in there as well. Crying in the car, I was there." He smirked, she smiled.

"Yep. You were. The bit where it says 'I've been so worried about you lately, you look shit etc.' That's an quote from Alice about Matty." She gossiped, George raised his eyebrows.

"No way." He gasped like a teenage girl. Kat giggled and nodded.

Suddenly, the door swung open and Matty fell through it. They both stared at him. They heard a giggle from Alice from the other side of the hall.

"Sorry. Was I interrupting something?" He laughed, he was drunk but not self destructive drunk, he was happy drunk.

"No." George said while Kat stared at him.

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