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Peter's class goes on a field trip to Avengers Tower. Someone upsets Bruce Banner. Peter has to make a decision concerning his secret identity or the possible deaths of innocent people.

"Class listen up. I have an important announcement to make." Mr. Harrington said.

The class quieted down. "The school has decided to reward the highest scoring students on the test ,that you took last week, with a field trip." Murmuring broke out among the student." Class? Class?" Everyone got quiet again." Those students are Peter Parker" Peter had to surpress the urge to say Stark under his breath.  "With a score of" he didn't even try to hide the sneer that broke out on his face. "100%. Ned Needs with a score of 85% ,Michelle Jones with a score of 75%..." He continued on but Peter stopped listening. Or at least he stopped listening until the phone rang in the classroom.

Mr. Harrington talked quietly into the phone for a few minutes.

He turned around and gazed at the class again. "So it seems that one of the other students are not able to go so the next student on the list is Flash Thompson."

A girl named Cindy raised her hand.

"Yes Cindy?"

"Where will the people that made it be going?"

"Well I'm glad you asked that. I'm actually very excited about it. We are going to go to Avengers/Stark Tower!"

The room was silent. The only sound that could be heard was Peter Stark's head hitting the desk.

"What's wrong Puny Parker? Afraid that your internship with Tony Stark is going to be proved a lie? Afraid that no one is going to recognize you?" Flash taunted.

"No I'm afraid they will." He said and grabbed his stuff and a permission slip and walked quickly out of the school.

As soon as Happy pulled up in front of the school he slid in the car. Except it wasn't Happy it was Clint?

"Uncle Clint? Why are you here?" He asked confused.

"What? I can't come pick up my nephew?"

"Well that's fine. I just don't think that's what you're doing here."

"You're right. Your Dad thinks that someone is bullying you. Him and your Mom sent me to pick you up. I'm supposed to get out and do some really embarrassing scene to show that you know the Avengers and that people better not mess with you.

"And you're not? I can't see you skipping a chance to embarrass me." Peter asked in disbelief.

Clint laughed. "Oh I'm not. I'll just wait until the field trip on Friday." He said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Peter slammed his head against the back of the seat. "You know about that?"

Clint laughed again. "Of course. Who do you think set this up?"

Peter gasped and realization flooded his eyes. "No he didn't?"

"Yes he did. Did it all behind Pepper's back too. Been talking to us all day about ways to embarress you."

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