Bucky's Video Logs

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Sorry I've not updated in a while. I've been busy with another story. My Harry Potter one.

So this is a little longer than normal.


Steve is having a hard time after Thanos snapped and Natasha cheers him up by showing him videos of Bucky.

Bucky looks up confused. "Steve?" He asks.

Steve turns to see Bucky crumble and fall.  Floating away before he could even hit the ground.

Steve jerks awake at the recent memory. It was only a month ago when Thanos snapped his fingers.

As the rest of the surviving team he has nightmares of the team dusting away but the one he has nightmares about most often is Bucky.

His best friend since childhood gone after had just gotten him back.

Steve sits up and rubs away the tears in his eyes. He seems to be doing that more lately.

He remembers the way Bucky would smile when Steve did something stupid. Their talks about how neither of them know how to work any of the appliances around the tower. How Bucky would shy away from most people but never away from him. The way he would pour the milk in the bowl before the cereal. It annoyed Steve to no end.

The way he gradually got to where he didn't hide his metal arm.

How he could never sit still for long. He had to be moving. It held over from the war.

His mothering nature when Steve was sick or hurt.

The way they would randomly burst out into song when ever they felt like it.

How they would talk about things from the forties. (That's right isn't it?)

How they could joke around at anytime. Even during battle.

Steve smiles reminiscing about the time Bucky got everybody to start singing 'Another One Bites The Dust' when they were fending off Mannequins from Loki.

Steve frowns again remembering how Bruce told them what Loki did to save Asgard and then gave his life to help protect his brother and the others.

So many gone. So much heartbreak.

Steve misses his best friend dearly. He misses how even on his bad days Bucky was there to cheer him up. Whether it be by annoying him until he finally smiled, tickling him to death in th common room surrounded by the others, making his favorite food, watching movies and laughing while eating ice cream, just having a best friend talk or simply sitting in silence understanding that Steve doesn't want to talk but also doesn't want to be alone.

Steve did all the same for Bucky. He mostly had to cheer him up when he was feeling self conscious about his metal arm or self loathing about the things he did during his time as a HYRDA captive.

Now he's gone. Just gone. Steve didn't even get a chance to say goodbye.

Steve's heart start beating faster and he sits in bed and sobs.

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