Field Trip or My Death?

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Peter's class goes on a field trip to the Tower. The Avengers somehow end up having a Human Pac Man game that ends with Peter and Wanda standing on a table in the cafeteria shooting the Avengers while Peter's class stares at them. Also there's a Q and A session added in too.

"Bye guys." I call out to the Avengers.

A chorus of goodbyes ring out as the elevator doors slide open. As soon as I  reach the lobby I run to where Happy Hogan is waiting impatiently on me.

"Hurry up. Tony will fire me if you're late to school."

"Sorry Happy."


"Class we are going on a field trip." My Advanced Physics class erupts into cheers.

"Where are we going?" MJ asks.

"If you will settle down then I will tell you." The class instantly quiets. "We are going to...Avenger Tower."

The class goes crazy. I groan and bang my head on my desk.

A few weeks ago my Aunt May was in a car accident and was in the hospital and I stayed with Tony Stark and the Avengers then a few days ago I got a call saying that she had passed away. I didn't know what I'd do. My parents were dead,my Uncle was dead and now my Aunt. I locked myself in my room until Tony made F.R.I.D.A.Y. unlock my door.


"Peter?"Tony asks hesitantly.

"Go away." I sniffle.

"No Peter we want to help you." I turn around on my bed,tears streaking my face.

Natasha is standing in my doorway with most of the Avengers team.

Tony steps in my room and sits on the end of my bed. Steve follows his lead. Natasha comes in and bends down in front of me. Scott leans in the doorway while Bruce and Clint occupy my floor. T'Challa and Shuri lurk outside looking uncomfortable. Imagine that. The King and Princess of Wakanda scared of a fifteen year old kid. Granted I am Spider-Man but still.

"Pete I know it's hard to lose someone you love but this is unhealthy. You need to get up." Tony says.

"Peter Parker we want to adopt you." Natasha doesn't beat around the bush she just blurts it out. My head snaps up.

"What?" I whisper my voice barely audible.

"We meaning every single one of us want to adopt you. I mean if you want you can pick one of us to be your 'Dad' or 'Mom' that will be your legal guardian. But Peter we want you here. We all love and care for you. It doesn't matter if we are not related by blood we are your family. You'll stay here of course. You'll have your own floor like everybody else, of course you'll have to listen to every one of us since we are older than you." I snort. " Oh and you'll be an official Avenger too." She says in an offhand way.

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