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I don't know what to title this so if someone could help I would be so grateful.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Peter croaks out.

Wanda sighs. "I'll be fine. I promise. It's just one day. You'll be better by tomorrow. Besides, I can take care of my self."

Peter nods and burrows under his blankets again. "Okay. Stay safe. I love you."

"I love you too. I would kiss you but I don't want to get sick too." Wanda says as she leaves Peter's room.

She grabs her backpack and phone and walks through the common room. Loki stands up from the table when he catches sight of her. "Where're you going?"


"Without Peter?" Loki frowns in concern.

"He's sick," Wanda explains. She grabs an apple off the table to turns to leave.

"You're going to school without Peter?" Loki asks worriedly.

"Yes. I can't miss a day just because he's sick." Wanda says and tries to leave.

Loki puts a hand on her shoulder. "Be careful." He warns.

"I'll be fine. Stop treating me like I'm breakable. I'm more than capable of defending myself." She says angrily before storming away.

"Don't you talk to me like that, Young Lady!" Loki yells after her.

Wanda ignores him as she steps into the elevator. Clint chuckles from his spot on the edge of the kitchen counter. Loki turns to him. "What are you laughing at?"

"It's funny to see you acting like a dad to her," Clint says and almost spills his Capri Sun from laughing too hard.

"What do you mean?" Loki asks and jumps up to sit beside the archer.

Clint stares at the god. "Are you serious? You act like such a dad. That's how I act with my kids."

"Why is it funny that I act like a "dad" to Wanda?" Loki questions.

"Are you kidding? You don't seem like the "dad" type."

"I have children, Barton. I know how to raise a child." Loki says.

Clint does a spit take. "You have kids!?"

"I have four, Barton. Well, four that Odin didn't steal from me." Loki says the last part bitterly.

"You have four kids?" Clint yells.

"Yes, pay attention," Loki says.

"Where are they?" Clint asks.


"Why aren't they on Earth with you?"

"They're with their mother."

"Who's that?"

"Bruce knows her. And she helped defeat Thanos." Loki says before leaving the kitchen.

... ...

"Where's Peter?" MJ asks as she sits beside Wanda for first period.


"I hope he feels better soon," MJ says. "So Loki actually let you leave the tower without Peter?"


"That's surprising considering how overprotective he is."

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