It's Too Risky

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"Daddy?" Morgan calls as she walks through the house.

"Yeah?" Tony calls from the living room.

"Can we watch this movie?" Morgan climbs into Tony's lap and shoves an unnamed disk in his face.

Tony takes the disk and his smile drops. "Not now, baby. Where'd you find this?"

Morgan looks at him sweetly. "Under your bed."

"Why were you under my bed?" Tony tossed the disk under his bed the day Steve sent it to him.

"I was chasing a ladybug."

"Did you catch it?" Tony asks amused.

"No, I squashed it." Morgan states.

"Oh, good job."

"Daddy, can we please watch this?" Morgan begs.

Tony looks down at the disk. The disk that holds the power to make him break.

"Okay. It's time you learned about him." Tony agrees. He knows he's going to cry watching this but it's not fair to Morgan to never know about him.

"Yay!" Morgan cheers.

"Go grab a blanket," Tony says as he moves Morgan off his lap and puts in the disk.

Morgan runs from the room and returns with her favorite blanket. Tony's breath hitches. That was his favorite blanket too.

Morgan cuddles into Tony's side as the movie starts. Tony wraps the blanket around them and breaths in the familiar scent of his almost son.

"Hey, Mr. Stark!" Peter says brightly as he walks into the lab.

"Daddy who is that?" Morgan asks.

"His name was Peter."

Tony looks up and smiles. "Hey, Pete. How was school?"

"It was okay. I already knew everything they tried teaching me."

"What do you say we skip working down here and go up to the penthouse and watch movies tonight?" Tony suggests.

Peter lights up. "Yeah."

The movie shows Peter snuggled up to Tony watching The Mask. "I love you... Dad." Peter mumbles almost asleep.

Tears slip down Tony's face.

Morgan wipes the tears away gently. "Daddy, why are you crying?"

"That was the first time he ever called me Dad," Tony whispers.

"Is that boy my brother? He called you dad?" Morgan asks.

"Yeah, Morgs. He was."


"Dad, this is amazing!" Peter yells.

Tony chuckles from behind the camera. "I know. Happy birthday Buddy."


Peter stands on a table with Wanda, stun guns in their hands. The Avengers run through a door and they release a barrage of shots at the group. The Avengers fall and Peter and Wanda high five.

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