Babysitter Bruce

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Tony passes out when he is supposed to take six year old Peter to school. Bruce takes Peter to school.

"Pep I've gotta go. I hafta drop Pete off at school. Bye. Love you too." Tony says as he hangs up his phone.

"Peter are you ready for school yet?" Tony calls through the hallway.


Tony sighs as his six year old son runs through the hallway in nothing but his underwear.

Tony sighs and grabs his phone again.


"Will you please come get Peter dressed for me?"

"Tony it's 6:50 in the morning!"

"I know I'm sorry."

"Why can't you do it?"

"Because I'm too busy trying to get a buncha paperwork done that was due yesterday in for Fury."

"Ugh! That's why you do the work before it's due!"

"Come on you know that's not how I roll. Anyways if you get Peter dressed for school you'll be my best friend." Tony bribes.

"That's so juvenile. Also I'm already you're best friend Tony."


"Fine I'll help."

"Thank you and you're amazing!" Tony says into the phone. He ends the call and falls back onto the couch in the living room.

"Daddy!" Peter yells running up to climb in his lap.

"Hey Pete Uncle Bruce is coming up to get you ready for school. Go wait for him in your room." Tony says tiredly.

"Okay!" Peter says brightly and runs back to his room.

Tony leans his head back on the couch. Maybe I'll just rest my eyes until Brucie gets here.

Tony's eyes drift shut and instantly he's sound asleep.

A few minutes later Bruce walks outta the elevator.

He walks into the living room to see Tony passed out on the couch.

"FRIDAY how much sleep has Tony got this week?" He asks.

Five hours. She says.

"What?! Even I get more else than that. Most of then time. What's been keeping him up?"

He's trying to come up with another suit design. Also he has to take care of Peter.

"Ugh! Just like Tony to not tell us that he needs help." Bruce groans.

He grabs a pillow and a blanket off another couch and lays Tony down. He places the pillow behind his head and covers him with a blanket.

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