The god Who Cried 'Get Help'

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Tony and Loki do 'Get Help' repeatedly pranking the Avengers. They all get angry and ignore the two. The one time Loki is actually injured it takes Loki collapsing to get them to believe he's truly hurt.

"Hey Loki!" Tony whispered to Loki in the elavator.

"What?" He hissed back.

"Let's do 'Get Help'."

"NO! I wish my oaf of a brother had never told you about that. I said that I was not doing it when we were fighting my sister and I still won't do it." Loki answered defiantly.


"GET HELP!" Tony yelled as the elevator doors opened. Loki leaned heavily against Tony. He was deathly pale.

The only Avengers in the room jumped to their feet. Clint and Steve rushed to their aid. Loki started shaking uncontrollably. As they got closer they saw he was laughing hysterically.

As they stared in confusion Loki howled with laughter. Soon after Tony joined in.

"HAHAHAH! YOU GUYS SHOULD'VE SEEN YOUR FACES!" Loki pointed at them with his hand that wasn't clutching Tony.

Clint and Steve shake their heads in disgust.


Once agin Tony and Loki have found themselves alone in the elevator.

Tony pokes Loki in the ribs. Loki slaps his hand and glares daggers at him.

"Sorry! I was just trying to get your attention."

"Well you've got it. Now what do you want. Also for future reference never poke me again." Loki snaps back. The teenage god stares at Tony. Daring him to try and poke him again.

"Let's do 'Get help' again." Tony suggests.

"No!" Loki replies vehemently.

Tony won't take no for an answer. "Come on. I know you enjoyed doing it last time. Don't deny it."

Loki smiles. "Alright let's do it. But this time can we switch the roles?".

"No! It's humiliating." Is Tony's reply. Loki gives him a pointed look.

"Yet you're making me do it?"

"Don't forget about the whole trying to take over earth thing. Weren't you sent down here for punishment? You're not supposed to be entirely enjoying yourself." Tony points out.

"True. I did only do part of my punishment. Thor broke me out of jail so we could escape Asgard to save his precious mortal who turned around and dumped him after I died to help save her." Loki muses. "Alright fine. Let's do it."

Loki leans on Tony in the nick of time. The elevator doors open amd they limp out.

"GET HELP!" Tony yells. Loki lets out a very realistic moan of pain. This time their victims are Wanda and Peitro. (Okie dokie. This is set after Thor Ragnorak(SP?) If you ain't seen it yet sorry. The rest of Asgard's population is still randomly floating around in space. I've not seen Infinity Wars yet. I want to but I'm just 14 almost 15 so I don't gotta choice. I couldn't see it in theaters....if things don't correspond with IW get over yourselves and deal with it. Also Peitro is alive. Again deal with it. I'm the author not you. I DO WHAT I WANT!)

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