Why You Don't Leave The Avengers Unsupervised

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"Dad I don't wanna go to school today since everybody is gonna be here. Can I stay and home and watch vines?" Peter asks Tony.

"Alright we'll watch some Vines." Tony consents.

"YESS!" Peter shouts. He runs around the living room shouting.

Natasha walks in and Peter runs into her.

"Easy Little Spider." She says in Russian. "What's got you so excited?"

"Dad's letting me stay home from school. Since everybody's gonna be here."

Natasha laughs at the fifteen year old's excitement. "What all are we doing?"

"Watching movies and Vines."

"Sounds great. I'mma go put on pajamas then."

"Me too."

Tony watches the encounter. "FRIDAY have everybody come to the common room. Tell them to wear their pajamas. Just actual pajamas. Not their underwear." The last part is directed to Clint. Last time they had a pajama party he forgot he didn't actually wear pajamas and just woke up and walked into the common room in his underwear.

Everyone has been alerted Mr. Stark.

"Thank you. Don't call me Mr. Stark. It makes me feel old."

Yes Boss.

"Better." He sighs. He turns and walks up the stairs to the penthouse. Peter bounds down.

Tony laughs at his pajamas. They were a gift from a Shuri. They are a onesie. The entire front has a full body picture of Shuri on it. It has a hood that can be pulled completely over his face. The hood has Shuri's face on it. Peter after getting them sent her a pair just like it except with a picture of him in his Spider Suit.

He continues walking up the stairs.


All the Avengers have gathered in the common room in their pajamas. Thankfully no one is in their underwear this time.

Natasha is wearing a short and tank top set that has knives on it. How she got it? No one knows. Tony is in a Captain America onesie. In the last prank war Steve took all of his pajamas and left that pair. Tony then proceeded to do the same to Steve. So Steve is sporting an Iron Man onesie. Clint is wearing a pair of pajamas that his wife got him. They say I have the best wife in the universe and I don't deserve her. Scott is wearing a pair that has unicorns and princesses all over them. He claims that Cassie picked them out. Sam is wearing plain red ones. Bucky is wearing a onesie that says Spider-Man is my HERO! Peter gave them to him for his birthday. Wanda and Peitro are wearing identical onsies that say I have the best twin in the world. They have arrows that point to each other if they sit the right way. Hope is wearing pajamas with pandas on them. T'Challa is wearing plain black silk pajamas. Vision is wearing a pair of Tony's pajamas. The ones that Steve stole. Shuri is wearing the pajamas Peter sent her. Thor is wearing a onesie that has the pattern of his armor on it. Loki is wearing a pair of black of green pajamas. Written across the front in red and gold is REINDEER GAMES! across the back in the same colors is ROCK OF AGES! Tony gave them to him. Peter loves them so Loki wears them to please Peter.

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