god if Mischief on Midgard?: Part (6)

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I go over the schedule to make sure someone's with Loki at every second.

6:00: Peter

7:00-7:30: Natasha

7:30-3:45: Peter/ School

3:45-4:30: Happy/ Peter

4:30-6:30: Steve/ Bucky


8:30-9:00: Tony/Scott/

9:00-6:00: Peter/ Clint

Looks good. Someone's always with Loki. Peter while he's at school and at night. Loki's morning curfew is 6:00. They both have to get up then for school anyway. People will be switched out for the different days. This is for a trial run. To see how well Loki behaves. Peter will be with Loki in every class. I'll make sure of that. I am Iron Man after all.

"Alright looks good. Steve,Wanda you're on cooking duty. Bruce you're with me. The rest of you go do what you want. Someone has to stay here to watch Rock Of Ages. And no Thor you can't do it. You'll let him get away with anything." I say.

Everybody goes to their respective place. Thor stays in the kitchen because Wanda has decided she wants to teach him how to cook. I go to check up on my son and the god of Mischief.

I see a sight that I'd never thought I'd see.

Loki is stretched out on the couch. Peter is laying behind him with his arms across his stomach. They are both out like a light. I smile at the sight until I remember who this is.

Peter mumbles something and I bend down in front of the couch to hear better.

"What are those?" He mumbles. I chuckle until Loki mumbles something back.

"They're my crocs!"

I fall to the floor laughing. Did they just mumble vines in their sleep.

I stand up and walk into the kitchen. I send a group chat to the Avengers.

IRONdad: get up to the common floor.

IRONdad: now

IRONdad: its hilarious.

I put my phone up not waiting for a response.

I walk back into the living room. Peter and Loki are in the same position. Except Loki has his arms wrapped around Peter.

They are still murmuring in their sleep.

The elevator dings and the Avengers file out.  I run into the hallway and tell them to be quiet. I drag them into the living room right as Loki and Peter start to talk again.

"STAHP!" Peter yells.

"I could've dropped my croissant!" Loki yells after.

The Avengers burst into laughter.

Everyone's laughter jerks the teenagers out of their slumber.

Loki sits straight upright causing Peter to face plant on the floor.

"Ow! Lokes. What was that dor?" He complains.

"Sorry. Something startled me." Loki swings his legs over the side of the couch and helps Peter up. They turn around and look at us.

"What are you guys doing here?" Peter asks.

"Well I was just coming to check on you. You did something adorable so I called the Avengers up here to watch it."

"What did we do Toby?" Loki asks.

"It's TONY and you did this..." I have FRIDAY play the video of Peter and Loki mumbling in the sleep.

"STAHP!" Peter yells in his sleep. He flushes.

"I could've dropped my croissant!" Loki finishes in his sleep.

Everyone but the two featured in the video burst out laughing.

"Peter. I believe I have seen too many vines." Loki says and groans. Peter laughs too.

"Just wait. I haven't taught you about 'yeet' yet." Peter rubs his hands  together and cackles like a mad man.

"Peteri swear if you teach the f-" I start.

"Fire truck!" Peter yells out. Steve looks at him approvingly.

"If you teach the firetrucking god of Mischief about 'yeet' I will disown you." I threaten.

He lools at me with a glint in his eyes.

"That's okay. Momma Spider or Anyone else will gladly adopt me. Everybody loves me."

"That's true." Natasha says. I give her a death glare but she pretends she doesn't see it.

"Come on Lokes! I'm gonna teach you 'yeet'." Peter says while pulling on Loki's arm. He smiles. Not a creepy sadistic smile. A real genuine happy smile. It disturbs eveyone greatly.

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