An offer from a Friend

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They walk back to the Lyell, Jack continues to push Poppy all the way back and Nikki speed walks to keep up with Jack's long strides. Once at the Lyell centre Nikki manages to get into the centre without ID thanks to Jack.

Jack takes the lift with Nikki and they head up to the first floor when they get out of the lift Jack heads straight for his office and Nikki follows silently. He stops by his desk and smiles as Clarissa looks up from a mound of paperwork. "Nikki!" She smiles sounding surprised to see her so soon again.

"Hi" Nikki replies, happy to see a familiar face.

"How are you and baby Poppy?" Clarissa smiles placing her reading glasses down on the desk.

"We're good actually" Nikki smiles positively.

"Well they are now, we almost got kicked out a cafe because Nikki was breastfeeding Poppy," Jack says still rather angry about the whole situation.

"What do you mean you almost got kicked out?" Clarissa says sounding shocked.

"Yeah, they told Nikki to cover up or get out" Jack explains with great annoyance in his tone.

"Jack, they did ask kindly," Nikki says trying to make the situation sound better than it really was

Jack looks at her and shakes his head, "No they were rude to you Nik, why can't you see that" Jack huffs.

Clarissa glances between the two and rolls her eyes, "Don't start arguing, some people just don't like the idea of people breastfeeding in public" Clarissa states a fact.

"Yes, I get that... but it is perfectly normal" Jack says waving his arms around trying to prove his point.

Nikki smiles and just simply walks over to the pushchair and gets Poppy out, Jack watches her as she sits down in her old office chair and smiles up at him. "Well, I shall finish off feeding her here, if that's okay?" Nikki says as she looks at Clarissa.

Clarissa nods and smiles happily before letting Nikki get on with feeding Poppy. Nikki sits slowly rocking Poppy. "You okay?" Jack smiles noticing she still seems rather on edge since the manager told them to leave the cafe.

"Yes I am, Just please me alone please" Nikki sighs.

"Nik, you shouldn't feel embarrassed about breastfeeding Nikki. Some people are just arseholes" Jack smiles sitting himself down next to her, he places his hand on her knee and for the first time, Nikki doesn't move away.

She looks at Jack and smiles happily, Jack smiles back and sits there stroking Poppy's head, "I think I can see a few brown strands of hair" Jack smirks

"No, She is blonde like me... anyway she looks like me" She giggles.

Jack rolls his eyes and watches Poppy, "Anyway Nik, if I remember correctly you were a brunette at some point" He winks.

"Only by choice, you idiot! I'm not a natural brunette" Nikki smirks proving her point.

"Oh well, she will be a Daddy's girl eventually" He smirks and kisses Poppy's head, making Nikki on edge due to how close he got to her breast.

"Yeah!" Nikki smiles awkwardly.

Jack sits there quietly watching Nikki trying not to stare too much, "She's got brown eyes just like you," Jack says making small talk.
Nikki smiles slightly, "Yes I can see that Jack" she mutters.

Jack sits there quietly and enjoys Nikki's company, "So I better get back to work but you're more than welcome to stay and see Thomas when he gets back" Jack smiles as he kisses her cheek and Poppy's forehead.

"You know you could cut the sexual tension with a knife, here let me have Poppy and you two head home for an hour or two" Clarissa jokes noticing how awkward things are between them.

"What! you mean you could have Poppy for an evening?" Jack questions and Nikki looks at him open-mouthed and stunned.
"Jack!" Nikki replies in shock.

"No, Nik, Not in that way... I mean we could do something like go for a meal or go to the cinemas... we are yet to celebrate Poppy" Jack smiles.

"Oh right" Nikki mutters.

"Well that is settled, Max and I are free most weekends apart from next weekend... some forensic conference in Newcastle" Clarissa smiles.

"Okay, how about this Friday evening?" Jack suggests and Clarissa nods.

"Yes that's fine, we can have her... let you two sort yourselves out" She smirks as she watches Nikki's face change and grows with confusion.

Jack looks at Nikki and smiles, "I'd rather be at home with Poppy" Nikki replies.
"She'll be safe with Max and me" Clarissa smiles noticing Nikki seems worried about leaving Poppy with someone.

"So, this will be your first time out without Poppy. She'll be fine, I'm sure they will look after her well" Jack smiles placing his hand back on Nikki's knee.

Clarissa smiles at the pair of them and continues with her forensic case. "Well that's sorted you two can go out on Friday night, we shall be round around half six?" Clarissa smiles and Jack nods.

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