Lazy early morning

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Poppy is now two months old - Its currently early morning and Nikki has just been woken by Poppy who is crying to be fed, "Hey baby girl" Nikki coos as she gently lifts Poppy from the Moses basket.
Nikki sits at the bottom of the bed and cradles Poppy, she sorts herself out before rolling up her top and bringing Poppy close. Poppy latches and Nikki winces as usual as she hates the feeling but she knew she wanted to do it to give Poppy the best milk possible.

Nikki sits there looking at the wall and gently patting Poppy's back, "You're becoming such a big girl now, I want my tiny Poppy back" Nikki smiles as she looks down at her daughter.

She takes hold of Poppy's small hand and strokes her hand gently with her thumb. Poppy squeezes her finger and her gaze drifts to Nikki's eyes. Every time Nikki looks into those big brown eyes she falls in love over and over, just like the first time she ever saw Poppy.
Nikki feels Jack move as he rolls over in her bed, "Nikki? what time is it?" He mumbles tiredly noticing she was sitting at the bottom of the king-sized bed.

"Quater past four" Nikki replies.
"Urgh, why so early" He groans and faces plants his pillow.

Nikki chuckles to herself and stands up as Poppy continues to feed before walking over to her side of the bed and getting in.

Jack moves his face from out of the pillow and looks up at Nikki, "Every time I look at her, Jack, I just fall in love over and over again... do you feel like that?" Nikki questions.

"Nikki, its quarter past four... it's too early for questions" He moans.

Nikki just looks down at him before moving Poppy away as she has finished her feed. Nikki pulls her top down and sits Poppy up supporting her head, she gently rubs and pats her back until she hears a bump before lying her between her legs.
She grabs the giraffe toy from next to her and starts to play with it in front of Poppy, the toy jingles and Poppy looks up at the toy. Poppy gurgles and grunts at the toy as Nikki holds it and shakes it gently.

"Do you like that sound Poppy?" Nikki coos. Poppy smiles slightly causing Nikki to panic in complete excitement. "Jack! she smiled! she actually smiled properly!" Nikki says causing Jack to bolt upright from his doze.

"Look she's smiling!" Nikki smiles happily, Poppy had smiled a few times in the past few weeks but this was the longest she had held the smile and Nikki knew for real this was an actual smile and not gas. "What a clever girl" Nikki smiles.

Jack rubs his eyes and sits up, he hated being woken at this time in the morning, especially when Nikki makes him jump out of his skin for no reason. "You'll be the death of me," He says still rubbing his face.

Nikki smiles at Jack and continues to play with the toy, but soon Poppy starts to yawn and Nikki stops playing as she knows she will fall to sleep soon. Jack sits there waking up more and more in the coming minutes, soon he starts to speak. "Don't forget my Dad is coming round today for Sunday Lunch" Jack replies as he gives a yawn.

"Okay, well you're cooking" Nikki smiles.
"No, you can help me" Jack replies as he gets from under the covers and scoops Poppy up, he carries her to the Moses basket and places her down carefully in there.

Jack walks back over to the bed and climbs back in pulling the covers up again, Nikki leans against him and lies there quietly propped up against his chest. "What you thinking about Nik?" Jack smiles as he's now fully awake.

"Just you and Poppy... and work" She replies glancing at the canvas picture she now has on the wall, 'a selfie type photograph' of the three of them, Poppy looking serious but Jack and Nikki smiling and sharing a kiss.

"You like that photo then? nice early birthday present right?" Jack smiles noticing her looking at it.

"I love it!" Nikki replies as she plays with a few fine chest hairs on Jack.
"Your birthday tomorrow" Jack smiles and kisses the top of her head.

"I can't wait, you better spoil me" Nikki giggles and kisses his chest.

Jack chuckles and slips his hand up her back and begins to stroke her back gently. Nikki moans slightly as she loves people stroking her back. "So let's talk about when we were younger?" Jack smiles.

She laughs merrily and rolls her eyes, "Okay, I shall start... if you were to meet your younger self, would you shake them happily by the hand or punch them unexpectedly in the face?" Nikki asks.

Jack sits there still stroking her back and thinks, "Hmm, punch them in the face... I did a lot of things I'm not proud of" Jack replies. Nikki smiles and kisses his bare chest again.

"I think I would do both to younger me" Nikki laughs as she feels Jack kiss her head again.

"Okay, okay my turn!" Jack laughs as he has a good question.
"Okay shoot!" Nikki smiles.

"How old were you... when you had your first sexual experience?" Jack questions with a smirk.

Nikki laughs and thinks to herself, "Oh I was Fifteen" Nikki replies.
"What really? and you did that because you wanted too?" Jack asks.

Nikki looks up at him and smiles, "Of course... I regret it though" She replies.

"I'd think so, being underage" He begins.

"Oh thanks, Jack, but I was young and naive" Nikki smiles, She sits herself up a little as she can feel herself slipping down Jack's chest. "Okay, your turn" Nikki adds.

He knew it was coming but he couldn't really remember the first official time but he did recall something, "Okay I think I was 18, behind the bike shelter at our leaver's ball" Jack laughs.

"With a girl called Ava Coleory," Jack says as he thinks hard.

"Oh wow Jack, now I thought someone like you would have had girls clawing at your door" Nikki giggles.
"Yeah, that was when I lost my virginity... but there were other sexual experiences before that" Jack winks.

Nikki giggles knowing exactly what he meant, "You was always a sucker for that?" She smirks.
"Erm... more like the girls were" Jack replies.

Nikki cringes and bruises her face in his chest. "Stop being rude" She giggles.

Jack smirks as he slips his arm around her waist and sits there comfortably. He closes his eyes and strokes her hip gently and starts to doze.

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