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Nikki continues to work through her tiredness to the best of her ability before she finds herself getting distracted by Jack who is reading out a message from his Dad, regarding Poppy.
"Nik, My Dad wants to know what he should get Poppy for her first birthday?... He said he knows it's not until April but he currently has the money to purchase her something" Jack reads. 

"Oh right, I haven't even started to think about stuff for Poppy yet, her birthday isn't for another four months" Nikki replies as she finishes off typing what she needs to finish. 

Jack sits back from his work and just looks at his phone for a while, "Y'know I'm surprised he even managed to text this to me, usually he can't figure it out and just calls me" Jack speaks trying to make a conversation with someone in the room. 

No one really replies to him apart from the odd noise from Nikki as she tries to focus on her work as well as listening to Jack. "... In all honesty Jack, I don't even know how to reply to your dad? I have hardly had time to think about her Birthday yet, myself" Nikki speaks. 

"You've had ages, you're just too career-focused some of the time... well all of the time recently," Jack says not realizing the tone he has come across to her with. 

Nikki looks up from her work at him completely stunned by his actions. "Jack! I am not career driven at home! How dare you presume I don't care about my daughter!" Nikki snaps. 

"I wasn't, you are jumping to conclusions again!" Jack comes back quickly at Nikki. 
She just looks at him stunned for a couple of seconds before snapping back, "I am not! Why would you think I would put my work over my daughter? I love her... more than my work!" Nikki breathes and clenches her fists in anger. 

Jack stands up abruptly and slams his hands on the desk, "Well clearly you don't! you took a fucking promotion, which means more shitting hours and less time at home with your daughter!" He shouts gritting his teeth. 

"Hang on, I didn't even choose this promotion, it was given to me! How does this affect my time with Poppy? You're the one who is always away from home, staying late or working the on-call shift... this isn't fair on me, Jack you are the one who needs to rethink shit!" Nikki snaps as she completely breaks. 

He looks at her and before he can even speak again Nikki is shouting at him again, "Just because I have had a child, it doesn't mean I can't progress in my job!"

"You're getting Petty now Nikki!" Jack huffs as he turns his back on her. 
"Me... Petty" She laughs standing up and placing her hands on her hips. 

While they argue Clarissa sits at her desk, distracted from her work watching the couple have a domestic. "May I remind you... you're both in work, not the place, nor the time?" Clarissa says trying to solve the situation. 

Neither of them pays any attention to Clarissa and carry on arguing. "You're being so childish Jack" Nikki shouts. 

Jack huffs and turns on his heels and walks away from her and towards the door, Nikki looks at him and speed walks to  catch up, "No you don't!" Nikki says as she manages to catch up with him and places her hand on his shoulder. 

As he turns around he naturally goes to punch the wall in anger but misses completely and punches Nikki straight in the face. She stumbles backward and holds her nose, Jack looks at her completely stunned with his actions and dashes off out the office. 

Clarissa comes over to Nikki's aid and makes her sit on the floor while she goes and gets Thomas. She soon comes back with Thomas right behind her, "Nikki? are you okay?" Thomas panics. 

"Yes, Yes, I'm fine seriously... don't fuss," Nikki says as she gets herself up off the floor. 

"Jack did this to you? Has he done this before?" He questions her. 
Nikki shakes her head as she walks over to her desk and sits down and places a tissue under her nose as it is bleeding slightly. 

"You need to speak to us Nikki, Has Jack hurt you before?" Clarissa questions worriedly. 

Nikki pauses and shakes her head again, "Only my feelings."

Thomas sits beside Nikki and monitors her bleeding nose for a while which soon clears up, He sits filling out an accident form and as Nikki picks up her phone as they Nanny has texted her. 
'Hi Nikki, I have been directed by 111 to take Poppy to A&E, they are lead to believe she has pneumonia. I am taking her these with the medical advice, she has been off her food, slightly floppy at times and a blue tint to her lips. I hope you can meet me here, thanks.'

Nikki stands up from her chair and grabs her handbag, car keys and coat. "Poppy isn't very well, can you get someone to cover for me... they think she has Pneumonia, I am going to the hospital right now," Nikki says leaving in a hurry. 

"What about Jack?" Thomas calls. 

"Find him and tell him," Nikki says, she starts to pick up a slight jog as she heads out to her car. 

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